002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.camel.processor;
019import java.util.Iterator;
021import org.apache.camel.AsyncCallback;
022import org.apache.camel.AsyncProcessor;
023import org.apache.camel.AsyncProducerCallback;
024import org.apache.camel.CamelContext;
025import org.apache.camel.Endpoint;
026import org.apache.camel.ErrorHandlerFactory;
027import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
028import org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern;
029import org.apache.camel.Expression;
030import org.apache.camel.FailedToCreateProducerException;
031import org.apache.camel.Message;
032import org.apache.camel.Processor;
033import org.apache.camel.Producer;
034import org.apache.camel.Traceable;
035import org.apache.camel.builder.ExpressionBuilder;
036import org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultExchange;
037import org.apache.camel.impl.EmptyProducerCache;
038import org.apache.camel.impl.ProducerCache;
039import org.apache.camel.spi.EndpointUtilizationStatistics;
040import org.apache.camel.spi.IdAware;
041import org.apache.camel.spi.RouteContext;
042import org.apache.camel.support.ServiceSupport;
043import org.apache.camel.util.AsyncProcessorHelper;
044import org.apache.camel.util.ExchangeHelper;
045import org.apache.camel.util.MessageHelper;
046import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
047import org.apache.camel.util.ServiceHelper;
048import org.slf4j.Logger;
049import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
051import static org.apache.camel.processor.PipelineHelper.continueProcessing;
052import static org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.notNull;
055 * Implements a <a href="http://camel.apache.org/routing-slip.html">Routing Slip</a>
056 * pattern where the list of actual endpoints to send a message exchange to are
057 * dependent on the value of a message header.
058 * <p/>
059 * This implementation mirrors the logic from the {@link org.apache.camel.processor.Pipeline} in the async variation
060 * as the failover load balancer is a specialized pipeline. So the trick is to keep doing the same as the
061 * pipeline to ensure it works the same and the async routing engine is flawless.
062 */
063public class RoutingSlip extends ServiceSupport implements AsyncProcessor, Traceable, IdAware {
064    protected final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
065    protected String id;
066    protected ProducerCache producerCache;
067    protected int cacheSize;
068    protected boolean ignoreInvalidEndpoints;
069    protected String header;
070    protected Expression expression;
071    protected String uriDelimiter;
072    protected final CamelContext camelContext;
074    /**
075     * The iterator to be used for retrieving the next routing slip(s) to be used.
076     */
077    protected interface RoutingSlipIterator {
079        /**
080         * Are the more routing slip(s)?
081         *
082         * @param exchange the current exchange
083         * @return <tt>true</tt> if more slips, <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
084         */
085        boolean hasNext(Exchange exchange);
087        /**
088         * Returns the next routing slip(s).
089         *
090         * @param exchange the current exchange
091         * @return the slip(s).
092         */
093        Object next(Exchange exchange);
095    }
097    public RoutingSlip(CamelContext camelContext) {
098        notNull(camelContext, "camelContext");
099        this.camelContext = camelContext;
100    }
102    public RoutingSlip(CamelContext camelContext, Expression expression, String uriDelimiter) {
103        notNull(camelContext, "camelContext");
104        notNull(expression, "expression");
106        this.camelContext = camelContext;
107        this.expression = expression;
108        this.uriDelimiter = uriDelimiter;
109        this.header = null;
110    }
112    public String getId() {
113        return id;
114    }
116    public void setId(String id) {
117        this.id = id;
118    }
120    public Expression getExpression() {
121        return expression;
122    }
124    public String getUriDelimiter() {
125        return uriDelimiter;
126    }
128    public void setDelimiter(String delimiter) {
129        this.uriDelimiter = delimiter;
130    }
132    public boolean isIgnoreInvalidEndpoints() {
133        return ignoreInvalidEndpoints;
134    }
136    public void setIgnoreInvalidEndpoints(boolean ignoreInvalidEndpoints) {
137        this.ignoreInvalidEndpoints = ignoreInvalidEndpoints;
138    }
140    public int getCacheSize() {
141        return cacheSize;
142    }
144    public void setCacheSize(int cacheSize) {
145        this.cacheSize = cacheSize;
146    }
148    @Override
149    public String toString() {
150        return "RoutingSlip[expression=" + expression + " uriDelimiter=" + uriDelimiter + "]";
151    }
153    public String getTraceLabel() {
154        return "routingSlip[" + expression + "]";
155    }
157    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
158        AsyncProcessorHelper.process(this, exchange);
159    }
161    public boolean process(Exchange exchange, AsyncCallback callback) {
162        if (!isStarted()) {
163            exchange.setException(new IllegalStateException("RoutingSlip has not been started: " + this));
164            callback.done(true);
165            return true;
166        }
168        return doRoutingSlipWithExpression(exchange, this.expression, callback);
169    }
171    public boolean doRoutingSlip(Exchange exchange, Object routingSlip, AsyncCallback callback) {
172        if (routingSlip instanceof Expression) {
173            return doRoutingSlipWithExpression(exchange, (Expression) routingSlip, callback);
174        } else {
175            return doRoutingSlipWithExpression(exchange, ExpressionBuilder.constantExpression(routingSlip), callback);
176        }
177    }
179    /**
180     * Creates the route slip iterator to be used.
181     *
182     * @param exchange the exchange
183     * @param expression the expression
184     * @return the iterator, should never be <tt>null</tt>
185     */
186    protected RoutingSlipIterator createRoutingSlipIterator(final Exchange exchange, final Expression expression) throws Exception {
187        Object slip = expression.evaluate(exchange, Object.class);
188        if (exchange.getException() != null) {
189            // force any exceptions occurred during evaluation to be thrown
190            throw exchange.getException();
191        }
193        final Iterator<Object> delegate = ObjectHelper.createIterator(slip, uriDelimiter);
195        return new RoutingSlipIterator() {
196            public boolean hasNext(Exchange exchange) {
197                return delegate.hasNext();
198            }
200            public Object next(Exchange exchange) {
201                return delegate.next();
202            }
203        };
204    }
206    private boolean doRoutingSlipWithExpression(final Exchange exchange, final Expression expression, final AsyncCallback originalCallback) {
207        Exchange current = exchange;
208        RoutingSlipIterator iter;
209        try {
210            iter = createRoutingSlipIterator(exchange, expression);
211        } catch (Exception e) {
212            exchange.setException(e);
213            originalCallback.done(true);
214            return true;
215        }
217        // ensure the slip is empty when we start
218        if (current.hasProperties()) {
219            current.setProperty(Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT, null);
220        }
222        while (iter.hasNext(current)) {
223            Endpoint endpoint;
224            try {
225                endpoint = resolveEndpoint(iter, exchange);
226                // if no endpoint was resolved then try the next
227                if (endpoint == null) {
228                    continue;
229                }
230            } catch (Exception e) {
231                // error resolving endpoint so we should break out
232                current.setException(e);
233                break;
234            }
236            //process and prepare the routing slip
237            boolean sync = processExchange(endpoint, current, exchange, originalCallback, iter);
238            current = prepareExchangeForRoutingSlip(current, endpoint);
240            if (!sync) {
241                log.trace("Processing exchangeId: {} is continued being processed asynchronously", exchange.getExchangeId());
242                // the remainder of the routing slip will be completed async
243                // so we break out now, then the callback will be invoked which then continue routing from where we left here
244                return false;
245            }
247            log.trace("Processing exchangeId: {} is continued being processed synchronously", exchange.getExchangeId());
249            // we ignore some kind of exceptions and allow us to continue
250            if (isIgnoreInvalidEndpoints()) {
251                FailedToCreateProducerException e = current.getException(FailedToCreateProducerException.class);
252                if (e != null) {
253                    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
254                        log.debug("Endpoint uri is invalid: " + endpoint + ". This exception will be ignored.", e);
255                    }
256                    current.setException(null);
257                }
258            }
260            // Decide whether to continue with the recipients or not; similar logic to the Pipeline
261            // check for error if so we should break out
262            if (!continueProcessing(current, "so breaking out of the routing slip", log)) {
263                break;
264            }
265        }
267        // logging nextExchange as it contains the exchange that might have altered the payload and since
268        // we are logging the completion if will be confusing if we log the original instead
269        // we could also consider logging the original and the nextExchange then we have *before* and *after* snapshots
270        log.trace("Processing complete for exchangeId: {} >>> {}", exchange.getExchangeId(), current);
272        // copy results back to the original exchange
273        ExchangeHelper.copyResults(exchange, current);
275        // okay we are completely done with the routing slip
276        // so we need to signal done on the original callback so it can continue
277        originalCallback.done(true);
278        return true;
279    }
281    protected Endpoint resolveEndpoint(RoutingSlipIterator iter, Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
282        Object nextRecipient = iter.next(exchange);
283        Endpoint endpoint = null;
284        try {
285            endpoint = ExchangeHelper.resolveEndpoint(exchange, nextRecipient);
286        } catch (Exception e) {
287            if (isIgnoreInvalidEndpoints()) {
288                log.info("Endpoint uri is invalid: " + nextRecipient + ". This exception will be ignored.", e);
289            } else {
290                throw e;
291            }
292        }
293        return endpoint;
294    }
296    protected Exchange prepareExchangeForRoutingSlip(Exchange current, Endpoint endpoint) {
297        Exchange copy = new DefaultExchange(current);
298        // we must use the same id as this is a snapshot strategy where Camel copies a snapshot
299        // before processing the next step in the pipeline, so we have a snapshot of the exchange
300        // just before. This snapshot is used if Camel should do redeliveries (re try) using
301        // DeadLetterChannel. That is why it's important the id is the same, as it is the *same*
302        // exchange being routed.
303        copy.setExchangeId(current.getExchangeId());
304        copyOutToIn(copy, current);
306        // ensure stream caching is reset
307        MessageHelper.resetStreamCache(copy.getIn());
309        return copy;
310    }
312    protected AsyncProcessor createErrorHandler(RouteContext routeContext, Exchange exchange, AsyncProcessor processor, Endpoint endpoint) {
313        AsyncProcessor answer = processor;
315        boolean tryBlock = exchange.getProperty(Exchange.TRY_ROUTE_BLOCK, false, boolean.class);
317        // do not wrap in error handler if we are inside a try block
318        if (!tryBlock && routeContext != null) {
319            // wrap the producer in error handler so we have fine grained error handling on
320            // the output side instead of the input side
321            // this is needed to support redelivery on that output alone and not doing redelivery
322            // for the entire routingslip/dynamic-router block again which will start from scratch again
324            log.trace("Creating error handler for: {}", processor);
325            ErrorHandlerFactory builder = routeContext.getRoute().getErrorHandlerBuilder();
326            // create error handler (create error handler directly to keep it light weight,
327            // instead of using ProcessorDefinition.wrapInErrorHandler)
328            try {
329                answer = (AsyncProcessor) builder.createErrorHandler(routeContext, processor);
331                // must start the error handler
332                ServiceHelper.startServices(answer);
334            } catch (Exception e) {
335                throw ObjectHelper.wrapRuntimeCamelException(e);
336            }
337        }
339        return answer;
340    }
342    protected boolean processExchange(final Endpoint endpoint, final Exchange exchange, final Exchange original,
343                                      final AsyncCallback originalCallback, final RoutingSlipIterator iter) {
345        // this does the actual processing so log at trace level
346        log.trace("Processing exchangeId: {} >>> {}", exchange.getExchangeId(), exchange);
348        // routing slip callback which are used when
349        // - routing slip was routed asynchronously
350        // - and we are completely done with the routing slip
351        // so we need to signal done on the original callback so it can continue
352        AsyncCallback callback = new AsyncCallback() {
353            @Override
354            public void done(boolean doneSync) {
355                if (!doneSync) {
356                    originalCallback.done(false);
357                }
358            }
359        };
360        boolean sync = producerCache.doInAsyncProducer(endpoint, exchange, null, callback, new AsyncProducerCallback() {
361            public boolean doInAsyncProducer(Producer producer, AsyncProcessor asyncProducer, final Exchange exchange,
362                                             ExchangePattern exchangePattern, final AsyncCallback callback) {
364                // rework error handling to support fine grained error handling
365                RouteContext routeContext = exchange.getUnitOfWork() != null ? exchange.getUnitOfWork().getRouteContext() : null;
366                AsyncProcessor target = createErrorHandler(routeContext, exchange, asyncProducer, endpoint);
368                // set property which endpoint we send to
369                exchange.setProperty(Exchange.TO_ENDPOINT, endpoint.getEndpointUri());
370                exchange.setProperty(Exchange.SLIP_ENDPOINT, endpoint.getEndpointUri());
372                boolean answer = target.process(exchange, new AsyncCallback() {
373                    public void done(boolean doneSync) {
374                        // we only have to handle async completion of the routing slip
375                        if (doneSync) {
376                            callback.done(true);
377                            return;
378                        }
380                        try {
381                            // continue processing the routing slip asynchronously
382                            Exchange current = prepareExchangeForRoutingSlip(exchange, endpoint);
384                            while (iter.hasNext(current)) {
386                                // we ignore some kind of exceptions and allow us to continue
387                                if (isIgnoreInvalidEndpoints()) {
388                                    FailedToCreateProducerException e = current.getException(FailedToCreateProducerException.class);
389                                    if (e != null) {
390                                        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
391                                            log.debug("Endpoint uri is invalid: " + endpoint + ". This exception will be ignored.", e);
392                                        }
393                                        current.setException(null);
394                                    }
395                                }
397                                // Decide whether to continue with the recipients or not; similar logic to the Pipeline
398                                // check for error if so we should break out
399                                if (!continueProcessing(current, "so breaking out of the routing slip", log)) {
400                                    break;
401                                }
403                                Endpoint endpoint;
404                                try {
405                                    endpoint = resolveEndpoint(iter, exchange);
406                                    // if no endpoint was resolved then try the next
407                                    if (endpoint == null) {
408                                        continue;
409                                    }
410                                } catch (Exception e) {
411                                    // error resolving endpoint so we should break out
412                                    exchange.setException(e);
413                                    break;
414                                }
416                                // prepare and process the routing slip
417                                boolean sync = processExchange(endpoint, current, original, callback, iter);
418                                current = prepareExchangeForRoutingSlip(current, endpoint);
420                                if (!sync) {
421                                    log.trace("Processing exchangeId: {} is continued being processed asynchronously", original.getExchangeId());
422                                    return;
423                                }
424                            }
426                            // logging nextExchange as it contains the exchange that might have altered the payload and since
427                            // we are logging the completion if will be confusing if we log the original instead
428                            // we could also consider logging the original and the nextExchange then we have *before* and *after* snapshots
429                            log.trace("Processing complete for exchangeId: {} >>> {}", original.getExchangeId(), current);
431                            // copy results back to the original exchange
432                            ExchangeHelper.copyResults(original, current);
434                            if (target instanceof DeadLetterChannel) {
435                                Processor deadLetter = ((DeadLetterChannel) target).getDeadLetter();
436                                try {
437                                    ServiceHelper.stopService(deadLetter);
438                                } catch (Exception e) {
439                                    log.warn("Error stopping DeadLetterChannel error handler on routing slip. This exception is ignored.", e);
440                                }
441                            }
442                        } catch (Throwable e) {
443                            exchange.setException(e);
444                        }
446                        // okay we are completely done with the routing slip
447                        // so we need to signal done on the original callback so it can continue
448                        originalCallback.done(false);
449                    }
450                });
452                // stop error handler if we completed synchronously
453                if (answer) {
454                    if (target instanceof DeadLetterChannel) {
455                        Processor deadLetter = ((DeadLetterChannel) target).getDeadLetter();
456                        try {
457                            ServiceHelper.stopService(deadLetter);
458                        } catch (Exception e) {
459                            log.warn("Error stopping DeadLetterChannel error handler on routing slip. This exception is ignored.", e);
460                        }
461                    }
462                }
464                return answer;
465            }
466        });
468        return sync;
469    }
471    protected void doStart() throws Exception {
472        if (producerCache == null) {
473            if (cacheSize < 0) {
474                producerCache = new EmptyProducerCache(this, camelContext);
475                log.debug("RoutingSlip {} is not using ProducerCache", this);
476            } else if (cacheSize == 0) {
477                producerCache = new ProducerCache(this, camelContext);
478                log.debug("RoutingSlip {} using ProducerCache with default cache size", this);
479            } else {
480                producerCache = new ProducerCache(this, camelContext, cacheSize);
481                log.debug("RoutingSlip {} using ProducerCache with cacheSize={}", this, cacheSize);
482            }
483        }
484        ServiceHelper.startService(producerCache);
485    }
487    protected void doStop() throws Exception {
488        ServiceHelper.stopServices(producerCache);
489    }
491    protected void doShutdown() throws Exception {
492        ServiceHelper.stopAndShutdownServices(producerCache);
493    }
495    public EndpointUtilizationStatistics getEndpointUtilizationStatistics() {
496        return producerCache.getEndpointUtilizationStatistics();
497    }
499    /**
500     * Returns the outbound message if available. Otherwise return the inbound message.
501     */
502    private Message getResultMessage(Exchange exchange) {
503        if (exchange.hasOut()) {
504            return exchange.getOut();
505        } else {
506            // if this endpoint had no out (like a mock endpoint) just take the in
507            return exchange.getIn();
508        }
509    }
511    /**
512     * Copy the outbound data in 'source' to the inbound data in 'result'.
513     */
514    private void copyOutToIn(Exchange result, Exchange source) {
515        result.setException(source.getException());
516        result.setIn(getResultMessage(source));
518        result.getProperties().clear();
519        result.getProperties().putAll(source.getProperties());
520    }