002 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007 * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
008 *
009 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010 *
011 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015 * limitations under the License.
016 */
017package org.apache.camel.component.extension;
019import java.io.Serializable;
020import java.util.List;
021import java.util.Map;
022import java.util.Set;
024import org.apache.camel.Component;
025import org.apache.camel.component.extension.verifier.ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper;
026import org.apache.camel.component.extension.verifier.ResultErrorBuilder;
027import org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper;
029 * Defines the interface used for validating component/endpoint parameters. The central method of this
030 * interface is {@link #verify(ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope, Map)} which takes a scope and a set of parameters which should be verified.
031 * <p/>
032 * The return value is a {@link ComponentVerifierExtension.Result} of the verification
033 *
034 */
035public interface ComponentVerifierExtension extends ComponentExtension {
037    /**
038     * Verify the given parameters against a provided scope.
039     *
040     * <p>
041     * The supported scopes are:
042     * <ul>
043     *   <li><strong>{@link ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope#PARAMETERS}</strong>: to validate that all the mandatory options are provided and syntactically correct.</li>
044     *   <li><strong>{@link ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope#CONNECTIVITY}</strong>: to validate that the given options (i.e. credentials, addresses) are correct. Verifying with this
045     *       scope typically implies reaching out to the backend via some sort of network connection.</li>
046     * </ul>
047     *
048     * @param scope the scope of the verification
049     * @param parameters the parameters to verify which are interpreted individually by each component verifier
050     * @return the verification result
051     */
052    ComponentVerifierExtension.Result verify(ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope scope, Map<String, Object> parameters);
054    /**
055     * The result of a verification
056     */
057    interface Result extends Serializable {
059        /**
060         * Status of the verification
061         */
062        enum Status {
063            /**
064             * Verification succeeded
065             */
066            OK,
067            /**
068             * Error occurred during the verification
069             */
070            ERROR,
071            /**
072             * Verification is not supported. This can depend on the given scope.
073             */
074            UNSUPPORTED
075        }
077        /**
078         * Scope of the verification. This is the scope given to the call to {@link #verify(ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope, Map)}  and
079         * can be used for correlation.
080         *
081         * @return the scope against which the parameters have been validated.
082         */
083        ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope getScope();
085        /**
086         * Result of the validation as status. This should be the first datum to check after a verification
087         * happened.
088         *
089         * @return the status
090         */
091        ComponentVerifierExtension.Result.Status getStatus();
093        /**
094         * Collection of errors happened for the verification. This list is empty (but non null) if the verification
095         * succeeded.
096         *
097         * @return a list of errors. Can be empty when verification was successful
098         */
099        List<ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError> getErrors();
100    }
102    /**
103     * The scope defines how the parameters should be verified.
104     */
105    enum Scope {
106        /**
107         * Only validate the parameters for their <em>syntactic</em> soundness. Verifications in this scope should
108         * be as fast as possible
109         */
110        PARAMETERS,
112        /**
113         * Reach out to the backend and verify that a connection can be established. This means, if the verification
114         * in this scope succeeds, then it can safely be assumed that the component can be used.
115         */
116        CONNECTIVITY;
118        private static final ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope[] VALUES = values();
120        /**
121         * Get an instance of this scope from a string representation
122         *
123         * @param scope the scope as string, which can be in any case
124         * @return the scope enum represented by this string
125         */
126        public static ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope fromString(String scope) {
127            for (ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope value : VALUES) {
128                if (ObjectHelper.equal(scope, value.name(), true)) {
129                    return value;
130                }
131            }
132            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown scope <" + scope + ">");
133        }
134    }
136    // =============================================================================================
138    /**
139     * This interface represents a detailed error in case when the verification fails.
140     */
141    interface VerificationError extends Serializable {
143        /**
144         * The overall error code, which can be either a {@link StandardCode} or a custom code. It is
145         * recommended to stick to the predefined standard codes
146         *
147         * @return the general error code.
148         */
149        Code getCode();
151        /**
152         * A human readable description of the error in plain english
153         *
154         * @return the error description (if available)
155         */
156        String getDescription();
158        /**
159         * A set of input parameter names which fails the verification. These are keys to the parameter provided
160         * to {@link #verify(ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope, Map)}.
161         *
162         * @return the parameter names which are malformed and caused the failure of the validation
163         */
164        Set<String> getParameterKeys();
166        /**
167         * Details about the failed verification. The keys can be either predefined values
168         * ({@link ExceptionAttribute}, {@link HttpAttribute}, {@link GroupAttribute}) or it can be free-form
169         * custom keys specific to a component. The standard attributes are defined as enums in all uppercase (with
170         * underscore as separator), custom attributes are supposed to be in all lower case (also with underscores
171         * as separators)
172         *
173         * @return a number of key/value pair with additional information related to the verification.
174         */
175        Map<ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.Attribute, Object> getDetails();
177        /**
178         * Get a single detail for a given attribute
179         *
180         * @param attribute the attribute to lookup
181         * @return the detail value or null if no such attribute exists
182         */
183        default Object getDetail(ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.Attribute attribute) {
184            Map<ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError.Attribute, Object> details = getDetails();
185            if (details != null) {
186                return details.get(attribute);
187            }
188            return null;
189        }
191        /**
192         * Get a single detail for a given attribute
193         *
194         * @param attribute the attribute to lookup
195         * @return the detail value or null if no such attribute exists
196         */
197        default Object getDetail(String attribute) {
198            return getDetail(asAttribute(attribute));
199        }
201        /**
202         * Convert a string to an {@link Code}
203         *
204         * @param code the code to convert. It should be in all lower case (with
205         *             underscore as a separator) to avoid overlap with {@link StandardCode}
206         * @return error code
207         */
208        static Code asCode(String code) {
209            return new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.ErrorCode(code);
210        }
212        /**
213         * Convert a string to an {@link Attribute}
214         *
215         * @param attribute the string representation of an attribute to convert. It should be in all lower case (with
216         *                  underscore as a separator) to avoid overlap with standard attributes like {@linkExceptionAttribute},
217         *                  {@linkHttpAttribute} or {@link GroupAttribute}
218         * @return generated attribute
219         */
220        static Attribute asAttribute(String attribute) {
221            return new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.ErrorAttribute(attribute);
222        }
224        /**
225         * Interface defining an error code. This is implemented by the {@link StandardCode} but also
226         * own code can be generated by implementing this interface. This is best done via {@link #asCode(String)}
227         * If possible, the standard codes should be reused
228         */
229        interface Code extends Serializable {
230            /**
231             * Name of the code. All uppercase for standard codes, all lower case for custom codes.
232             * Separator between two words is an underscore.
233             *
234             * @return code name
235             */
236            String name();
238            /**
239             * Bean style accessor to name.
240             * This is required for framework like Jackson using bean convention for object serialization.
241             *
242             * @return code name
243             */
244            default String getName() {
245                return name();
246            }
247        }
249        /**
250         * Standard set of error codes
251         */
252        interface StandardCode extends Code {
253            /**
254             * Authentication failed
255             */
256            StandardCode AUTHENTICATION = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("AUTHENTICATION");
257            /**
258             * An exception occurred
259             */
260            StandardCode EXCEPTION = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("EXCEPTION");
261            /**
262             * Internal error while performing the verification
263             */
264            StandardCode INTERNAL = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("INTERNAL");
265            /**
266             * A mandatory parameter is missing
267             */
268            StandardCode MISSING_PARAMETER = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("MISSING_PARAMETER");
269            /**
270             * A given parameter is not known to the component
271             */
272            StandardCode UNKNOWN_PARAMETER = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("UNKNOWN_PARAMETER");
273            /**
274             * A given parameter is illegal
275             */
276            StandardCode ILLEGAL_PARAMETER = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("ILLEGAL_PARAMETER");
277            /**
278             * A combination of parameters is illegal. See {@link ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError#getParameterKeys()} for the set
279             * of affected parameters
280             */
281            StandardCode ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_GROUP_COMBINATION = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_GROUP_COMBINATION");
282            /**
283             * A parameter <em>value</em> is not valid
284             */
285            StandardCode ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_VALUE = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("ILLEGAL_PARAMETER_VALUE");
286            /**
287             * A group of parameters is not complete in order to be valid
288             */
289            StandardCode INCOMPLETE_PARAMETER_GROUP = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("INCOMPLETE_PARAMETER_GROUP");
290            /**
291             * The verification is not supported
292             */
293            StandardCode UNSUPPORTED = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("UNSUPPORTED");
294            /**
295             * The requested {@link ComponentVerifierExtension.Scope} is not supported
296             */
297            StandardCode UNSUPPORTED_SCOPE = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("UNSUPPORTED_SCOPE");
298            /**
299             * The requested {@link Component} is not supported
300             */
301            StandardCode UNSUPPORTED_COMPONENT = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("UNSUPPORTED_COMPONENT");
302            /**
303             * Generic error which is explained in more details with {@link ComponentVerifierExtension.VerificationError#getDetails()}
304             */
305            StandardCode GENERIC = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.StandardErrorCode("GENERIC");
306        }
308        /**
309         * Interface defining an attribute which is a key for the detailed error messages. This is implemented by several
310         * standard enums like {@link ExceptionAttribute}, {@link HttpAttribute} or {@link GroupAttribute} but can also
311         * implemented for component specific details. This is best done via {@link #asAttribute(String)}
312         * or using one of the other builder method in this error builder (like {@link ResultErrorBuilder#detail(String, Object)}
313         * <p>
314         * With respecting to name, the same rules as for {@link Code} apply: Standard attributes are all upper case with _
315         * as separators, whereas custom attributes are lower case with underscore separators.
316         */
317        interface Attribute extends Serializable {
318            /**
319             * Name of the attribute. All uppercase for standard attributes and all lower case for custom attributes.
320             * Separator between words is an underscore.
321             *
322             * @return attribute name
323             */
324            String name();
326            /**
327             * Bean style accessor to name;
328             * This is required for framework like Jackson using bean convention for object serialization.
329             *
330             * @return attribute name
331             */
332            default String getName() {
333                return name();
334            }
335        }
337        /**
338         * Attributes for details about an exception that was raised
339         */
340        interface ExceptionAttribute extends Attribute {
341            /**
342             * The exception object that has been thrown. Note that this can be a complex
343             * object and can cause large content when e.g. serialized as JSON
344             */
345            ExceptionAttribute EXCEPTION_INSTANCE = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.ExceptionErrorAttribute("EXCEPTION_INSTANCE");
346            /**
347             * The exception class
348             */
349            ExceptionAttribute EXCEPTION_CLASS = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.ExceptionErrorAttribute("EXCEPTION_CLASS");
350        }
352        /**
353         * HTTP related error details
354         */
355        interface HttpAttribute extends Attribute {
356            /**
357             * The erroneous HTTP code that occurred
358             */
359            HttpAttribute HTTP_CODE = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.HttpErrorAttribute("HTTP_CODE");
360            /**
361             * HTTP response's body
362             */
363            HttpAttribute HTTP_TEXT = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.HttpErrorAttribute("HTTP_TEXT");
364            /**
365             * If given as details, specifies that a redirect happened and the
366             * content of this detail is the redirect URL
367             */
368            HttpAttribute HTTP_REDIRECT = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.HttpErrorAttribute("HTTP_REDIRECT");
369        }
371        /**
372         * Group related details
373         */
374        interface GroupAttribute extends Attribute {
375            /**
376             * Group name
377             */
378            GroupAttribute GROUP_NAME = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.GroupErrorAttribute("GROUP_NAME");
379            /**
380             * Options for the group
381             */
382            GroupAttribute GROUP_OPTIONS = new ComponentVerifierExtensionHelper.GroupErrorAttribute("GROUP_OPTIONS");
383        }
384    }