Class SqlServerConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

@UriParams public class SqlServerConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration extends org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.EmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration
  • Constructor Details

    • SqlServerConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration

      public SqlServerConnectorEmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • setMessageKeyColumns

      public void setMessageKeyColumns(String messageKeyColumns)
      A semicolon-separated list of expressions that match fully-qualified tables and column(s) to be used as message key. Each expression must match the pattern 'invalid input: '<'fully-qualified table name>:', where the table names could be defined as (DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME) or (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), depending on the specific connector, and the key columns are a comma-separated list of columns representing the custom key. For any table without an explicit key configuration the table's primary key column(s) will be used as message key. Example: dbserver1.inventory.orderlines:orderId,orderLineId;dbserver1.inventory.orders:id
    • getMessageKeyColumns

      public String getMessageKeyColumns()
    • setCustomMetricTags

      public void setCustomMetricTags(String customMetricTags)
      The custom metric tags will accept key-value pairs to customize the MBean object name which should be appended the end of regular name, each key would represent a tag for the MBean object name, and the corresponding value would be the value of that tag the key is. For example: k1=v1,k2=v2
    • getCustomMetricTags

      public String getCustomMetricTags()
    • setSignalEnabledChannels

      public void setSignalEnabledChannels(String signalEnabledChannels)
      List of channels names that are enabled. Source channel is enabled by default
    • getSignalEnabledChannels

      public String getSignalEnabledChannels()
    • setDatabaseInstance

      public void setDatabaseInstance(String databaseInstance)
      The SQL Server instance name
    • getDatabaseInstance

      public String getDatabaseInstance()
    • setIncludeSchemaChanges

      public void setIncludeSchemaChanges(boolean includeSchemaChanges)
      Whether the connector should publish changes in the database schema to a Kafka topic with the same name as the database server ID. Each schema change will be recorded using a key that contains the database name and whose value include logical description of the new schema and optionally the DDL statement(s). The default is 'true'. This is independent of how the connector internally records database schema history.
    • isIncludeSchemaChanges

      public boolean isIncludeSchemaChanges()
    • setHeartbeatActionQuery

      public void setHeartbeatActionQuery(String heartbeatActionQuery)
      The query executed with every heartbeat.
    • getHeartbeatActionQuery

      public String getHeartbeatActionQuery()
    • setPollIntervalMs

      public void setPollIntervalMs(long pollIntervalMs)
      Time to wait for new change events to appear after receiving no events, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 500 ms.
    • getPollIntervalMs

      public long getPollIntervalMs()
    • setSignalDataCollection

      public void setSignalDataCollection(String signalDataCollection)
      The name of the data collection that is used to send signals/commands to Debezium. Signaling is disabled when not set.
    • getSignalDataCollection

      public String getSignalDataCollection()
    • setConverters

      public void setConverters(String converters)
      Optional list of custom converters that would be used instead of default ones. The converters are defined using 'invalid input: '<'converter.prefix>.type' config option and configured using options 'invalid input: '<'converter.prefix>.
    • getConverters

      public String getConverters()
    • setHeartbeatTopicsPrefix

      public void setHeartbeatTopicsPrefix(String heartbeatTopicsPrefix)
      The prefix that is used to name heartbeat topics.Defaults to __debezium-heartbeat.
    • getHeartbeatTopicsPrefix

      public String getHeartbeatTopicsPrefix()
    • setSnapshotFetchSize

      public void setSnapshotFetchSize(int snapshotFetchSize)
      The maximum number of records that should be loaded into memory while performing a snapshot.
    • getSnapshotFetchSize

      public int getSnapshotFetchSize()
    • setSnapshotLockTimeoutMs

      public void setSnapshotLockTimeoutMs(long snapshotLockTimeoutMs)
      The maximum number of millis to wait for table locks at the beginning of a snapshot. If locks cannot be acquired in this time frame, the snapshot will be aborted. Defaults to 10 seconds
    • getSnapshotLockTimeoutMs

      public long getSnapshotLockTimeoutMs()
    • setDatabaseUser

      public void setDatabaseUser(String databaseUser)
      Name of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.
    • getDatabaseUser

      public String getDatabaseUser()
    • setDatatypePropagateSourceType

      public void setDatatypePropagateSourceType(String datatypePropagateSourceType)
      A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching the database-specific data type names that adds the data type's original type and original length as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in the emitted change records.
    • getDatatypePropagateSourceType

      public String getDatatypePropagateSourceType()
    • setDatabaseNames

      public void setDatabaseNames(String databaseNames)
      The names of the databases from which the connector should capture changes
    • getDatabaseNames

      public String getDatabaseNames()
    • setSnapshotTablesOrderByRowCount

      public void setSnapshotTablesOrderByRowCount(String snapshotTablesOrderByRowCount)
      Controls the order in which tables are processed in the initial snapshot. A `descending` value will order the tables by row count descending. A `ascending` value will order the tables by row count ascending. A value of `disabled` (the default) will disable ordering by row count.
    • getSnapshotTablesOrderByRowCount

      public String getSnapshotTablesOrderByRowCount()
    • setIncrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy

      public void setIncrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy(String incrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy)
      Specify the strategy used for watermarking during an incremental snapshot: 'insert_insert' both open and close signal is written into signal data collection (default); 'insert_delete' only open signal is written on signal data collection, the close will delete the relative open signal;
    • getIncrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy

      public String getIncrementalSnapshotWatermarkingStrategy()
    • setSnapshotSelectStatementOverrides

      public void setSnapshotSelectStatementOverrides(String snapshotSelectStatementOverrides)
      This property contains a comma-separated list of fully-qualified tables (DB_NAME.TABLE_NAME) or (SCHEMA_NAME.TABLE_NAME), depending on the specific connectors. Select statements for the individual tables are specified in further configuration properties, one for each table, identified by the id '[DB_NAME].[TABLE_NAME]' or '[SCHEMA_NAME].[TABLE_NAME]', respectively. The value of those properties is the select statement to use when retrieving data from the specific table during snapshotting. A possible use case for large append-only tables is setting a specific point where to start (resume) snapshotting, in case a previous snapshotting was interrupted.
    • getSnapshotSelectStatementOverrides

      public String getSnapshotSelectStatementOverrides()
    • setHeartbeatIntervalMs

      public void setHeartbeatIntervalMs(int heartbeatIntervalMs)
      Length of an interval in milli-seconds in in which the connector periodically sends heartbeat messages to a heartbeat topic. Use 0 to disable heartbeat messages. Disabled by default.
    • getHeartbeatIntervalMs

      public int getHeartbeatIntervalMs()
    • setIncrementalSnapshotAllowSchemaChanges

      public void setIncrementalSnapshotAllowSchemaChanges(boolean incrementalSnapshotAllowSchemaChanges)
      Detect schema change during an incremental snapshot and re-select a current chunk to avoid locking DDLs. Note that changes to a primary key are not supported and can cause incorrect results if performed during an incremental snapshot. Another limitation is that if a schema change affects only columns' default values, then the change won't be detected until the DDL is processed from the binlog stream. This doesn't affect the snapshot events' values, but the schema of snapshot events may have outdated defaults.
    • isIncrementalSnapshotAllowSchemaChanges

      public boolean isIncrementalSnapshotAllowSchemaChanges()
    • setSchemaHistoryInternalSkipUnparseableDdl

      public void setSchemaHistoryInternalSkipUnparseableDdl(boolean schemaHistoryInternalSkipUnparseableDdl)
      Controls the action Debezium will take when it meets a DDL statement in binlog, that it cannot parse.By default the connector will stop operating but by changing the setting it can ignore the statements which it cannot parse. If skipping is enabled then Debezium can miss metadata changes.
    • isSchemaHistoryInternalSkipUnparseableDdl

      public boolean isSchemaHistoryInternalSkipUnparseableDdl()
    • setColumnIncludeList

      public void setColumnIncludeList(String columnIncludeList)
      Regular expressions matching columns to include in change events
    • getColumnIncludeList

      public String getColumnIncludeList()
    • setColumnPropagateSourceType

      public void setColumnPropagateSourceType(String columnPropagateSourceType)
      A comma-separated list of regular expressions matching fully-qualified names of columns that adds the columns original type and original length as parameters to the corresponding field schemas in the emitted change records.
    • getColumnPropagateSourceType

      public String getColumnPropagateSourceType()
    • setErrorsMaxRetries

      public void setErrorsMaxRetries(int errorsMaxRetries)
      The maximum number of retries on connection errors before failing (-1 = no limit, 0 = disabled, > 0 = num of retries).
    • getErrorsMaxRetries

      public int getErrorsMaxRetries()
    • setTableExcludeList

      public void setTableExcludeList(String tableExcludeList)
      A comma-separated list of regular expressions that match the fully-qualified names of tables to be excluded from monitoring
    • getTableExcludeList

      public String getTableExcludeList()
    • setDatabasePassword

      public void setDatabasePassword(String databasePassword)
      Password of the database user to be used when connecting to the database.
    • getDatabasePassword

      public String getDatabasePassword()
    • setMaxBatchSize

      public void setMaxBatchSize(int maxBatchSize)
      Maximum size of each batch of source records. Defaults to 2048.
    • getMaxBatchSize

      public int getMaxBatchSize()
    • setSkippedOperations

      public void setSkippedOperations(String skippedOperations)
      The comma-separated list of operations to skip during streaming, defined as: 'c' for inserts/create; 'u' for updates; 'd' for deletes, 't' for truncates, and 'none' to indicate nothing skipped. By default, only truncate operations will be skipped.
    • getSkippedOperations

      public String getSkippedOperations()
    • setTopicNamingStrategy

      public void setTopicNamingStrategy(String topicNamingStrategy)
      The name of the TopicNamingStrategy class that should be used to determine the topic name for data change, schema change, transaction, heartbeat event etc.
    • getTopicNamingStrategy

      public String getTopicNamingStrategy()
    • setSnapshotMode

      public void setSnapshotMode(String snapshotMode)
      The criteria for running a snapshot upon startup of the connector. Select one of the following snapshot options: 'initial' (default): If the connector does not detect any offsets for the logical server name, it runs a snapshot that captures the current full state of the configured tables. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream changes from the transaction log.; 'initial_only': The connector performs a snapshot as it does for the 'initial' option, but after the connector completes the snapshot, it stops, and does not stream changes from the transaction log.; 'schema_only': If the connector does not detect any offsets for the logical server name, it runs a snapshot that captures only the schema (table structures), but not any table data. After the snapshot completes, the connector begins to stream changes from the transaction log.
    • getSnapshotMode

      public String getSnapshotMode()
    • setMaxQueueSize

      public void setMaxQueueSize(int maxQueueSize)
      Maximum size of the queue for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 8192, and should always be larger than the maximum batch size.
    • getMaxQueueSize

      public int getMaxQueueSize()
    • setIncrementalSnapshotChunkSize

      public void setIncrementalSnapshotChunkSize(int incrementalSnapshotChunkSize)
      The maximum size of chunk (number of documents/rows) for incremental snapshotting
    • getIncrementalSnapshotChunkSize

      public int getIncrementalSnapshotChunkSize()
    • setRetriableRestartConnectorWaitMs

      public void setRetriableRestartConnectorWaitMs(long retriableRestartConnectorWaitMs)
      Time to wait before restarting connector after retriable exception occurs. Defaults to 10000ms.
    • getRetriableRestartConnectorWaitMs

      public long getRetriableRestartConnectorWaitMs()
    • setSnapshotDelayMs

      public void setSnapshotDelayMs(long snapshotDelayMs)
      A delay period before a snapshot will begin, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 0 ms.
    • getSnapshotDelayMs

      public long getSnapshotDelayMs()
    • setProvideTransactionMetadata

      public void setProvideTransactionMetadata(boolean provideTransactionMetadata)
      Enables transaction metadata extraction together with event counting
    • isProvideTransactionMetadata

      public boolean isProvideTransactionMetadata()
    • setSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedTablesDdl

      public void setSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedTablesDdl(boolean schemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedTablesDdl)
      Controls what DDL will Debezium store in database schema history. By default (false) Debezium will store all incoming DDL statements. If set to true, then only DDL that manipulates a captured table will be stored.
    • isSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedTablesDdl

      public boolean isSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedTablesDdl()
    • setSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedDatabasesDdl

      public void setSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedDatabasesDdl(boolean schemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedDatabasesDdl)
      Controls what DDL will Debezium store in database schema history. By default (true) only DDL that manipulates a table from captured schema/database will be stored. If set to false, then Debezium will store all incoming DDL statements.
    • isSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedDatabasesDdl

      public boolean isSchemaHistoryInternalStoreOnlyCapturedDatabasesDdl()
    • setSchemaHistoryInternalFileFilename

      public void setSchemaHistoryInternalFileFilename(String schemaHistoryInternalFileFilename)
      The path to the file that will be used to record the database schema history
    • getSchemaHistoryInternalFileFilename

      public String getSchemaHistoryInternalFileFilename()
    • setTombstonesOnDelete

      public void setTombstonesOnDelete(boolean tombstonesOnDelete)
      Whether delete operations should be represented by a delete event and a subsequent tombstone event (true) or only by a delete event (false). Emitting the tombstone event (the default behavior) allows Kafka to completely delete all events pertaining to the given key once the source record got deleted.
    • isTombstonesOnDelete

      public boolean isTombstonesOnDelete()
    • setTopicPrefix

      public void setTopicPrefix(String topicPrefix)
      Topic prefix that identifies and provides a namespace for the particular database server/cluster is capturing changes. The topic prefix should be unique across all other connectors, since it is used as a prefix for all Kafka topic names that receive events emitted by this connector. Only alphanumeric characters, hyphens, dots and underscores must be accepted.
    • getTopicPrefix

      public String getTopicPrefix()
    • setDecimalHandlingMode

      public void setDecimalHandlingMode(String decimalHandlingMode)
      Specify how DECIMAL and NUMERIC columns should be represented in change events, including: 'precise' (the default) uses java.math.BigDecimal to represent values, which are encoded in the change events using a binary representation and Kafka Connect's '' type; 'string' uses string to represent values; 'double' represents values using Java's 'double', which may not offer the precision but will be far easier to use in consumers.
    • getDecimalHandlingMode

      public String getDecimalHandlingMode()
    • setBinaryHandlingMode

      public void setBinaryHandlingMode(String binaryHandlingMode)
      Specify how binary (blob, binary, etc.) columns should be represented in change events, including: 'bytes' represents binary data as byte array (default); 'base64' represents binary data as base64-encoded string; 'base64-url-safe' represents binary data as base64-url-safe-encoded string; 'hex' represents binary data as hex-encoded (base16) string
    • getBinaryHandlingMode

      public String getBinaryHandlingMode()
    • setIncludeSchemaComments

      public void setIncludeSchemaComments(boolean includeSchemaComments)
      Whether the connector parse table and column's comment to metadata object. Note: Enable this option will bring the implications on memory usage. The number and size of ColumnImpl objects is what largely impacts how much memory is consumed by the Debezium connectors, and adding a String to each of them can potentially be quite heavy. The default is 'false'.
    • isIncludeSchemaComments

      public boolean isIncludeSchemaComments()
    • setSourceinfoStructMaker

      public void setSourceinfoStructMaker(String sourceinfoStructMaker)
      The name of the SourceInfoStructMaker class that returns SourceInfo schema and struct.
    • getSourceinfoStructMaker

      public String getSourceinfoStructMaker()
    • setTableIgnoreBuiltin

      public void setTableIgnoreBuiltin(boolean tableIgnoreBuiltin)
      Flag specifying whether built-in tables should be ignored.
    • isTableIgnoreBuiltin

      public boolean isTableIgnoreBuiltin()
    • setIncrementalSnapshotOptionRecompile

      public void setIncrementalSnapshotOptionRecompile(boolean incrementalSnapshotOptionRecompile)
      Add OPTION(RECOMPILE) on each SELECT statement during the incremental snapshot process. This prevents parameter sniffing but can cause CPU pressure on the source database.
    • isIncrementalSnapshotOptionRecompile

      public boolean isIncrementalSnapshotOptionRecompile()
    • setSnapshotIncludeCollectionList

      public void setSnapshotIncludeCollectionList(String snapshotIncludeCollectionList)
      This setting must be set to specify a list of tables/collections whose snapshot must be taken on creating or restarting the connector.
    • getSnapshotIncludeCollectionList

      public String getSnapshotIncludeCollectionList()
    • setMaxQueueSizeInBytes

      public void setMaxQueueSizeInBytes(long maxQueueSizeInBytes)
      Maximum size of the queue in bytes for change events read from the database log but not yet recorded or forwarded. Defaults to 0. Mean the feature is not enabled
    • getMaxQueueSizeInBytes

      public long getMaxQueueSizeInBytes()
    • setTimePrecisionMode

      public void setTimePrecisionMode(String timePrecisionMode)
      Time, date, and timestamps can be represented with different kinds of precisions, including: 'adaptive' (the default) bases the precision of time, date, and timestamp values on the database column's precision; 'adaptive_time_microseconds' like 'adaptive' mode, but TIME fields always use microseconds precision; 'connect' always represents time, date, and timestamp values using Kafka Connect's built-in representations for Time, Date, and Timestamp, which uses millisecond precision regardless of the database columns' precision.
    • getTimePrecisionMode

      public String getTimePrecisionMode()
    • setSignalPollIntervalMs

      public void setSignalPollIntervalMs(long signalPollIntervalMs)
      Interval for looking for new signals in registered channels, given in milliseconds. Defaults to 5 seconds.
    • getSignalPollIntervalMs

      public long getSignalPollIntervalMs()
    • setPostProcessors

      public void setPostProcessors(String postProcessors)
      Optional list of post processors. The processors are defined using 'invalid input: '<'post.processor.prefix>.type' config option and configured using options 'invalid input: '<'post.processor.prefix.
    • getPostProcessors

      public String getPostProcessors()
    • setNotificationEnabledChannels

      public void setNotificationEnabledChannels(String notificationEnabledChannels)
      List of notification channels names that are enabled.
    • getNotificationEnabledChannels

      public String getNotificationEnabledChannels()
    • setEventProcessingFailureHandlingMode

      public void setEventProcessingFailureHandlingMode(String eventProcessingFailureHandlingMode)
      Specify how failures during processing of events (i.e. when encountering a corrupted event) should be handled, including: 'fail' (the default) an exception indicating the problematic event and its position is raised, causing the connector to be stopped; 'warn' the problematic event and its position will be logged and the event will be skipped; 'ignore' the problematic event will be skipped.
    • getEventProcessingFailureHandlingMode

      public String getEventProcessingFailureHandlingMode()
    • setSnapshotIsolationMode

      public void setSnapshotIsolationMode(String snapshotIsolationMode)
      Controls which transaction isolation level is used and how long the connector locks the captured tables. The default is 'repeatable_read', which means that repeatable read isolation level is used. In addition, exclusive locks are taken only during schema snapshot. Using a value of 'exclusive' ensures that the connector holds the exclusive lock (and thus prevents any reads and updates) for all captured tables during the entire snapshot duration. When 'snapshot' is specified, connector runs the initial snapshot in SNAPSHOT isolation level, which guarantees snapshot consistency. In addition, neither table nor row-level locks are held. When 'read_committed' is specified, connector runs the initial snapshot in READ COMMITTED isolation level. No long-running locks are taken, so that initial snapshot does not prevent other transactions from updating table rows. Snapshot consistency is not guaranteed.In 'read_uncommitted' mode neither table nor row-level locks are acquired, but connector does not guarantee snapshot consistency.
    • getSnapshotIsolationMode

      public String getSnapshotIsolationMode()
    • setSnapshotMaxThreads

      public void setSnapshotMaxThreads(int snapshotMaxThreads)
      The maximum number of threads used to perform the snapshot. Defaults to 1.
    • getSnapshotMaxThreads

      public int getSnapshotMaxThreads()
    • setDatabasePort

      public void setDatabasePort(int databasePort)
      Port of the database server.
    • getDatabasePort

      public int getDatabasePort()
    • setNotificationSinkTopicName

      public void setNotificationSinkTopicName(String notificationSinkTopicName)
      The name of the topic for the notifications. This is required in case 'sink' is in the list of enabled channels
    • getNotificationSinkTopicName

      public String getNotificationSinkTopicName()
    • setSchemaHistoryInternal

      public void setSchemaHistoryInternal(String schemaHistoryInternal)
      The name of the SchemaHistory class that should be used to store and recover database schema changes. The configuration properties for the history are prefixed with the 'schema.history.internal.' string.
    • getSchemaHistoryInternal

      public String getSchemaHistoryInternal()
    • setMaxIterationTransactions

      public void setMaxIterationTransactions(int maxIterationTransactions)
      This property can be used to reduce the connector memory usage footprint when changes are streamed from multiple tables per database.
    • getMaxIterationTransactions

      public int getMaxIterationTransactions()
    • setColumnExcludeList

      public void setColumnExcludeList(String columnExcludeList)
      Regular expressions matching columns to exclude from change events
    • getColumnExcludeList

      public String getColumnExcludeList()
    • setDatabaseHostname

      public void setDatabaseHostname(String databaseHostname)
      Resolvable hostname or IP address of the database server.
    • getDatabaseHostname

      public String getDatabaseHostname()
    • setSchemaNameAdjustmentMode

      public void setSchemaNameAdjustmentMode(String schemaNameAdjustmentMode)
      Specify how schema names should be adjusted for compatibility with the message converter used by the connector, including: 'avro' replaces the characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with underscore; 'avro_unicode' replaces the underscore or characters that cannot be used in the Avro type name with corresponding unicode like _uxxxx. Note: _ is an escape sequence like backslash in Java;'none' does not apply any adjustment (default)
    • getSchemaNameAdjustmentMode

      public String getSchemaNameAdjustmentMode()
    • setTableIncludeList

      public void setTableIncludeList(String tableIncludeList)
      The tables for which changes are to be captured
    • getTableIncludeList

      public String getTableIncludeList()
    • createConnectorConfiguration

      protected io.debezium.config.Configuration createConnectorConfiguration()
      Specified by:
      createConnectorConfiguration in class org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.EmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration
    • configureConnectorClass

      protected Class configureConnectorClass()
      Specified by:
      configureConnectorClass in class org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.EmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration
    • validateConnectorConfiguration

      protected org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.ConfigurationValidation validateConnectorConfiguration()
      Specified by:
      validateConnectorConfiguration in class org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.EmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration
    • getConnectorDatabaseType

      public String getConnectorDatabaseType()
      Specified by:
      getConnectorDatabaseType in class org.apache.camel.component.debezium.configuration.EmbeddedDebeziumConfiguration