Interface DockerEndpointBuilderFactory.DockerBuilders

    • Method Detail

      • docker

        default DockerEndpointBuilderFactory.DockerEndpointBuilder docker​(String path)
        Docker (camel-docker) Manage Docker containers. Category: cloud,container,paas Since: 2.15 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-docker Syntax: docker:operation Path parameter: operation (required) Which operation to use There are 31 enums and the value can be one of: events, stats, auth, info, ping, version, imagebuild, imagecreate, imageinspect, imagelist, imagepull, imagepushimageremove, imagesearch, imagetag, containerattach, containercommit, containercopyfile, containercreate, containerdiffinspectcontainer, containerkill, containerlist, containerlog, containerpause, containerrestart, containerremove, containerstartcontainerstop, containertop, containerunpause, containerwait, execcreate, execstart
        path - operation
        the dsl builder
      • docker

        default DockerEndpointBuilderFactory.DockerEndpointBuilder docker​(String componentName,
                                                                          String path)
        Docker (camel-docker) Manage Docker containers. Category: cloud,container,paas Since: 2.15 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-docker Syntax: docker:operation Path parameter: operation (required) Which operation to use There are 31 enums and the value can be one of: events, stats, auth, info, ping, version, imagebuild, imagecreate, imageinspect, imagelist, imagepull, imagepushimageremove, imagesearch, imagetag, containerattach, containercommit, containercopyfile, containercreate, containerdiffinspectcontainer, containerkill, containerlist, containerlog, containerpause, containerrestart, containerremove, containerstartcontainerstop, containertop, containerunpause, containerwait, execcreate, execstart
        componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
        path - operation
        the dsl builder