Interface GoogleSheetsStreamEndpointBuilderFactory.GoogleSheetsStreamBuilders

    • Method Detail

      • googleSheetsStream

        default GoogleSheetsStreamEndpointBuilderFactory.GoogleSheetsStreamEndpointBuilder googleSheetsStream​(String path)
        Google Sheets Stream (camel-google-sheets) Poll for changes in Google Sheets. Category: cloud,sheets Since: 2.23 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-google-sheets Syntax: google-sheets-stream:spreadsheetId Path parameter: spreadsheetId (required) Specifies the spreadsheet identifier that is used to identify the target to obtain.
        path - spreadsheetId
        the dsl builder
      • googleSheetsStream

        default GoogleSheetsStreamEndpointBuilderFactory.GoogleSheetsStreamEndpointBuilder googleSheetsStream​(String componentName,
                                                                                                              String path)
        Google Sheets Stream (camel-google-sheets) Poll for changes in Google Sheets. Category: cloud,sheets Since: 2.23 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-google-sheets Syntax: google-sheets-stream:spreadsheetId Path parameter: spreadsheetId (required) Specifies the spreadsheet identifier that is used to identify the target to obtain.
        componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
        path - spreadsheetId
        the dsl builder