Interface OptaPlannerEndpointBuilderFactory.OptaPlannerBuilders

    • Method Detail

      • optaplanner

        default OptaPlannerEndpointBuilderFactory.OptaPlannerEndpointBuilder optaplanner​(String path)
        OptaPlanner (camel-optaplanner) Solve planning problems with OptaPlanner. Category: engine,planning Since: 2.13 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-optaplanner Syntax: optaplanner:configFile Path parameter: configFile (required) Specifies the location to the solver file. If useSolverManager=FALSE, Camel uses this file and create the Solver. If useSolverManager=TRUE and SolverManager is set in the header {OptaPlannerConstants.SOLVER_MANAGER} : this file is ignored by Camel usage of SolverManager. SolverManager can be injected by DI in Quarkus or Spring.
        path - configFile
        the dsl builder
      • optaplanner

        default OptaPlannerEndpointBuilderFactory.OptaPlannerEndpointBuilder optaplanner​(String componentName,
                                                                                         String path)
        OptaPlanner (camel-optaplanner) Solve planning problems with OptaPlanner. Category: engine,planning Since: 2.13 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-optaplanner Syntax: optaplanner:configFile Path parameter: configFile (required) Specifies the location to the solver file. If useSolverManager=FALSE, Camel uses this file and create the Solver. If useSolverManager=TRUE and SolverManager is set in the header {OptaPlannerConstants.SOLVER_MANAGER} : this file is ignored by Camel usage of SolverManager. SolverManager can be injected by DI in Quarkus or Spring.
        componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
        path - configFile
        the dsl builder