Interface InfinispanEmbeddedEndpointBuilderFactory.InfinispanEmbeddedBuilders

    • Method Detail

      • infinispanEmbedded

        default InfinispanEmbeddedEndpointBuilderFactory.InfinispanEmbeddedEndpointBuilder infinispanEmbedded​(String path)
        Infinispan Embedded (camel-infinispan-embedded) Read and write from/to Infinispan distributed key/value store and data grid. Category: cache,datagrid,clustering Since: 2.13 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-infinispan-embedded Syntax: infinispan-embedded:cacheName Path parameter: cacheName (required) The name of the cache to use. Use current to use the existing cache name from the currently configured cached manager. Or use default for the default cache manager name.
        path - cacheName
        the dsl builder
      • infinispanEmbedded

        default InfinispanEmbeddedEndpointBuilderFactory.InfinispanEmbeddedEndpointBuilder infinispanEmbedded​(String componentName,
                                                                                                              String path)
        Infinispan Embedded (camel-infinispan-embedded) Read and write from/to Infinispan distributed key/value store and data grid. Category: cache,datagrid,clustering Since: 2.13 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-infinispan-embedded Syntax: infinispan-embedded:cacheName Path parameter: cacheName (required) The name of the cache to use. Use current to use the existing cache name from the currently configured cached manager. Or use default for the default cache manager name.
        componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
        path - cacheName
        the dsl builder