Class VertxKafkaEndpointBuilderFactory.VertxKafkaHeaderNameBuilder

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class VertxKafkaEndpointBuilderFactory.VertxKafkaHeaderNameBuilder
    extends Object
    The builder of headers' name for the Vert.x Kafka component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • VertxKafkaHeaderNameBuilder

        public VertxKafkaHeaderNameBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • vertxKafkaPartitionId

        public String vertxKafkaPartitionId()
        Producer: Explicitly specify the partition identifier, for example partition 0. This will trigger the component to produce all the massages to the specified partition. Consumer: The partition identifier where the message were consumed from. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
        the name of the header VertxKafkaPartitionId.
      • vertxKafkaMessageKey

        public String vertxKafkaMessageKey()
        Producer: Explicitly specify the message key, if partition ID is not specified, this will trigger the messages to go into the same partition. Consumer: The message key. The option is a: String type. Group: common
        the name of the header VertxKafkaMessageKey.
      • vertxKafkaTopic

        public String vertxKafkaTopic()
        Producer: Explicitly specify the topic to where produce the messages, this will be preserved in case of header aggregation. Consumer: The topic from where the message originated. The option is a: String type. Group: common
        the name of the header VertxKafkaTopic.
      • vertxKafkaRecordMetadata

        public String vertxKafkaRecordMetadata()
        Produced record metadata. The option is a: List<RecordMetadata> type. Group: producer
        the name of the header VertxKafkaRecordMetadata.
      • vertxKafkaOffset

        public String vertxKafkaOffset()
        The offset of the message in Kafka topic. The option is a: Long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header VertxKafkaOffset.
      • vertxKafkaHeaders

        public String vertxKafkaHeaders()
        The record Kafka headers. The option is a: List<KafkaHeader> type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header VertxKafkaHeaders.
      • vertxKafkaTimestamp

        public String vertxKafkaTimestamp()
        The timestamp of this record. The option is a: Long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header VertxKafkaTimestamp.
      • vertxKafkaOverrideTimestamp

        public String vertxKafkaOverrideTimestamp()
        The ProducerRecord also has an associated timestamp. If the user did provide a timestamp, the producer will stamp the record with the provided timestamp and the header is not preserved. The option is a: Long type. Group: producer
        the name of the header VertxKafkaOverrideTimestamp.
      • vertxKafkaOverrideTopic

        public String vertxKafkaOverrideTopic()
        Explicitly specify the topic to where produce the messages, this will not be preserved in case of header aggregation and it will take precedence over CamelVertxKafkaTopic. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header VertxKafkaOverrideTopic.