Class InfluxDb2EndpointBuilderFactory.InfluxDb2HeaderNameBuilder

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class InfluxDb2EndpointBuilderFactory.InfluxDb2HeaderNameBuilder
    extends Object
    The builder of headers' name for the InfluxDB2 component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InfluxDb2HeaderNameBuilder

        public InfluxDb2HeaderNameBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • influxDB2MeasurementName

        public String influxDB2MeasurementName()
        The name of measurement. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header InfluxDB2MeasurementName.
      • influxdbRetentionpolicy

        public String influxdbRetentionpolicy()
        The string that defines the retention policy to the data created by the endpoint. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header InfluxDB.RetentionPolicy.
      • influxDB2WritePrecision

        public String influxDB2WritePrecision()
        InfluxDb Write precision. The option is a: com.influxdb.client.domain.WritePrecision type. Group: producer
        the name of the header InfluxDB2WritePrecision.