Class KubernetesEventsEndpointBuilderFactory.KubernetesEventsHeaderNameBuilder

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class KubernetesEventsEndpointBuilderFactory.KubernetesEventsHeaderNameBuilder
    extends Object
    The builder of headers' name for the Kubernetes Event component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • KubernetesEventsHeaderNameBuilder

        public KubernetesEventsHeaderNameBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • kubernetesOperation

        public String kubernetesOperation()
        The Producer operation. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesOperation.
      • kubernetesNamespaceName

        public String kubernetesNamespaceName()
        The namespace name. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesNamespaceName.
      • kubernetesEventsLabels

        public String kubernetesEventsLabels()
        The event labels. The option is a: Map<String, String> type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventsLabels.
      • kubernetesEventTime

        public String kubernetesEventTime()
        The event time in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format, such as '2011-12-03T10:15:3001:00'. The option is a: String type. Default: server time Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventTime.
      • kubernetesEventAction

        public String kubernetesEventAction()
        Action watched by the consumer. The option is a: io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.Watcher.Action type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventAction.
      • kubernetesEventType

        public String kubernetesEventType()
        The event type. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventType.
      • kubernetesEventReason

        public String kubernetesEventReason()
        The event reason. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventReason.
      • kubernetesEventNote

        public String kubernetesEventNote()
        The event note. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventNote.
      • kubernetesEventRegarding

        public String kubernetesEventRegarding()
        The event regarding. The option is a: io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ObjectReference type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventRegarding.
      • kubernetesEventRelated

        public String kubernetesEventRelated()
        The event related. The option is a: io.fabric8.kubernetes.api.model.ObjectReference type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventRelated.
      • kubernetesEventReportingController

        public String kubernetesEventReportingController()
        The event reporting controller. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventReportingController.
      • kubernetesEventReportingInstance

        public String kubernetesEventReportingInstance()
        The event reporting instance. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventReportingInstance.
      • kubernetesEventName

        public String kubernetesEventName()
        The event name. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventName.
      • kubernetesEventTimestamp

        public String kubernetesEventTimestamp()
        Timestamp of the action watched by the consumer. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header KubernetesEventTimestamp.