Class RocketMQEndpointBuilderFactory.RocketMQHeaderNameBuilder

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class RocketMQEndpointBuilderFactory.RocketMQHeaderNameBuilder
    extends Object
    The builder of headers' name for the RocketMQ component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RocketMQHeaderNameBuilder

        public RocketMQHeaderNameBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • rockerMQTopic

        public String rockerMQTopic()
        Topic of message. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQTopic.
      • rockerMQTag

        public String rockerMQTag()
        Tag of message. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQTag.
      • rockerMQKey

        public String rockerMQKey()
        Key of message. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQKey.
      • rockerMQOverrideTopicName

        public String rockerMQOverrideTopicName()
        If this header is set, the message will be routed to the topic specified by this header instead of the origin topic in endpoint. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header RockerMQOverrideTopicName.
      • rockerMQOverrideTag

        public String rockerMQOverrideTag()
        If this header is set, the message's tag will be set to value specified by this header instead of the sendTag defined in endpoint. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header RockerMQOverrideTag.
      • rockerMQOverrideMessageKey

        public String rockerMQOverrideMessageKey()
        Set keys for the message. When using in-out pattern, the value will be prepended to the generated keys. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header RockerMQOverrideMessageKey.
      • rockerMQBrokerName

        public String rockerMQBrokerName()
        Broker name. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQBrokerName.
      • rockerMQQueueId

        public String rockerMQQueueId()
        Queue ID. The option is a: int type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQQueueId.
      • rockerMQStoreSize

        public String rockerMQStoreSize()
        Store size. The option is a: int type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQStoreSize.
      • rockerMQQueueOffset

        public String rockerMQQueueOffset()
        Queue offset. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQQueueOffset.
      • rockerMQSysFlag

        public String rockerMQSysFlag()
        Sys flag. The option is a: int type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQSysFlag.
      • rockerMQBornTimestamp

        public String rockerMQBornTimestamp()
        Born timestamp. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQBornTimestamp.
      • rockerMQBornHost

        public String rockerMQBornHost()
        Born host. The option is a: type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQBornHost.
      • rockerMQStoreTimestamp

        public String rockerMQStoreTimestamp()
        Store timestamp. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQStoreTimestamp.
      • rockerMQStoreHost

        public String rockerMQStoreHost()
        Store host. The option is a: type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQStoreHost.
      • rockerMQMsgId

        public String rockerMQMsgId()
        Msg ID. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQMsgId.
      • rockerMQCommitLogOffset

        public String rockerMQCommitLogOffset()
        Commit log offset. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQCommitLogOffset.
      • rockerMQBodyCrc

        public String rockerMQBodyCrc()
        Body CRC. The option is a: int type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQBodyCrc.
      • rockerMQReconsumeTimes

        public String rockerMQReconsumeTimes()
        Reconsume times. The option is a: int type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQReconsumeTimes.
      • rockerMQPreparedTransactionOffset

        public String rockerMQPreparedTransactionOffset()
        Prepard transaction offset. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header RockerMQPreparedTransactionOffset.