Class GridFsEndpointBuilderFactory.GridFsHeaderNameBuilder

  • Enclosing interface:

    public static class GridFsEndpointBuilderFactory.GridFsHeaderNameBuilder
    extends Object
    The builder of headers' name for the MongoDB GridFS component.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GridFsHeaderNameBuilder

        public GridFsHeaderNameBuilder()
    • Method Detail

      • fileContentType

        public String fileContentType()
        The content type of the file. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header FileContentType.
      • fileLength

        public String fileLength()
        The size of the file. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header FileLength.
      • fileLastModified

        public String fileLastModified()
        The size of the file. The option is a: Date type. Group: consumer
        the name of the header FileLastModified.
      • fileName

        public String fileName()
        The name of the file. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header FileName.
      • contentType

        public String contentType()
        The content type of the file. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header Content-Type.
      • fileNameProduced

        public String fileNameProduced()
        The file name produced. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header FileNameProduced.
      • gridfsMetadata

        public String gridfsMetadata()
        Any additional metadata stored along with the file in JSON format. The option is a: String type. Group: common
        the name of the header gridfs.metadata.
      • gridfsOperation

        public String gridfsOperation()
        The operation to perform. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
        the name of the header gridfs.operation.
      • gridfsChunksize

        public String gridfsChunksize()
        The number of bytes per chunk for the uploaded file. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer
        the name of the header gridfs.chunksize.
      • gridfsFileid

        public String gridfsFileid()
        The ObjectId of the file produced. The option is a: org.bson.types.ObjectId type. Group: producer
        the name of the header gridfs.fileid.
      • gridfsObjectid

        public String gridfsObjectid()
        The ObjectId of the file. The option is a: org.bson.types.ObjectId type. Group: producer
        the name of the header gridfs.objectid.