Class Ddb2EndpointBuilderFactory.Ddb2HeaderNameBuilder

Enclosing interface:

public static class Ddb2EndpointBuilderFactory.Ddb2HeaderNameBuilder extends Object
The builder of headers' name for the AWS DynamoDB component.
  • Constructor Details

    • Ddb2HeaderNameBuilder

      public Ddb2HeaderNameBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • awsDdbAttributes

      public String awsDdbAttributes()
      The list of attributes returned by the operation. The option is a: Map<String, AttributeValue> type. Group: DeleteItem GetItem PutItem UpdateItem
      the name of the header AwsDdbAttributes.
    • awsDdbAttributeNames

      public String awsDdbAttributeNames()
      If attribute names are not specified then all attributes will be returned. The option is a: Collection<String> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbAttributeNames.
    • awsDdbBatchItems

      public String awsDdbBatchItems()
      A map of the table name and corresponding items to get by primary key. The option is a: Map<String, KeysAndAttributes> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbBatchItems.
    • awsDdbBatchResponse

      public String awsDdbBatchResponse()
      Table names and the respective item attributes from the tables. The option is a: Map<String, BatchResponse> type. Group: BatchGetItems
      the name of the header AwsDdbBatchResponse.
    • awsDdbConsistentRead

      public String awsDdbConsistentRead()
      If set to true, then a consistent read is issued, otherwise eventually consistent is used. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbConsistentRead.
    • awsDdbConsumedCapacity

      public String awsDdbConsumedCapacity()
      The number of Capacity Units of the provisioned throughput of the table consumed during the operation. The option is a: Double type. Group: Query Scan
      the name of the header AwsDdbConsumedCapacity.
    • awsDdbCount

      public String awsDdbCount()
      Number of items in the response. The option is a: Integer type. Group: Query Scan
      the name of the header AwsDdbCount.
    • awsDdbCreationDate

      public String awsDdbCreationDate()
      Creation DateTime of this table. The option is a: Date type. Group: DeleteTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbCreationDate.
    • awsDdbIndexName

      public String awsDdbIndexName()
      If set will be used as Secondary Index for Query operation. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbIndexName.
    • awsDdbItem

      public String awsDdbItem()
      A map of the attributes for the item, and must include the primary key values that define the item. The option is a: Map<String, AttributeValue> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbItem.
    • awsDdbItems

      public String awsDdbItems()
      The list of attributes returned by the operation. The option is a: List<Map<String,AttributeValue>> type. Group: Query Scan
      the name of the header AwsDdbItems.
    • awsDdbTableItemCount

      public String awsDdbTableItemCount()
      Item count for this table. The option is a: Long type. Group: DeleteTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbTableItemCount.
    • awsDdbKey

      public String awsDdbKey()
      The primary key that uniquely identifies each item in a table. The option is a: Map<String, AttributeValue> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbKey.
    • awsDdbKeyConditions

      public String awsDdbKeyConditions()
      This header specify the selection criteria for the query, and merge together the two old headers CamelAwsDdbHashKeyValue and CamelAwsDdbScanRangeKeyCondition. The option is a: Map<String, Condition> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbKeyConditions.
    • awsDdbKeySchema

      public String awsDdbKeySchema()
      The KeySchema that identifies the primary key for this table. From Camel 2.16.0 the type of this header is List and not KeySchema. The option is a: List<KeySchemaElement> type. Group: DeleteTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbKeySchema.
    • awsDdbLastEvaluatedKey

      public String awsDdbLastEvaluatedKey()
      Primary key of the item where the query operation stopped, inclusive of the previous result set. The option is a: Key type. Group: Query Scan
      the name of the header AwsDdbLastEvaluatedKey.
    • awsDdbLimit

      public String awsDdbLimit()
      The maximum number of items to return. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbLimit.
    • awsDdbOperation

      public String awsDdbOperation()
      The operation to perform. The option is a: org.apache.camel.component.aws2.ddb.Ddb2Operations type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbOperation.
    • awsDdbProvisionedThroughput

      public String awsDdbProvisionedThroughput()
      The value of the ProvisionedThroughput property for this table. The option is a: type. Group: DeleteTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbProvisionedThroughput.
    • awsDdbReadCapacity

      public String awsDdbReadCapacity()
      ReadCapacityUnits property of this table. The option is a: Long type. Group: UpdateTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbReadCapacity.
    • awsDdbReturnValues

      public String awsDdbReturnValues()
      Use this parameter if you want to get the attribute name-value pairs before or after they are modified(NONE, ALL_OLD, UPDATED_OLD, ALL_NEW, UPDATED_NEW). The option is a: String type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbReturnValues.
    • awsDdbScannedCount

      public String awsDdbScannedCount()
      Number of items in the complete scan before any filters are applied. The option is a: Integer type. Group: Scan
      the name of the header AwsDdbScannedCount.
    • awsDdbScanIndexForward

      public String awsDdbScanIndexForward()
      Specifies forward or backward traversal of the index. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbScanIndexForward.
    • awsDdbScanFilter

      public String awsDdbScanFilter()
      Evaluates the scan results and returns only the desired values. The option is a: Map<String, Condition> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbScanFilter.
    • awsDdbStartKey

      public String awsDdbStartKey()
      Primary key of the item from which to continue an earlier query. The option is a: Map<String, AttributeValue> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbStartKey.
    • awsDdbTableName

      public String awsDdbTableName()
      Table Name for this operation. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbTableName.
    • awsDdbTableSize

      public String awsDdbTableSize()
      The table size in bytes. The option is a: Long type. Group: DeleteTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbTableSize.
    • awsDdbTableStatus

      public String awsDdbTableStatus()
      The status of the table: CREATING, UPDATING, DELETING, ACTIVE. The option is a: String type. Group: DeleteTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbTableStatus.
    • awsDdbUpdateCondition

      public String awsDdbUpdateCondition()
      Designates an attribute for a conditional modification. The option is a: Map<String, ExpectedAttributeValue> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbUpdateCondition.
    • awsDdbUpdateValues

      public String awsDdbUpdateValues()
      Map of attribute name to the new value and action for the update. The option is a: Map<String, AttributeValueUpdate> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header AwsDdbUpdateValues.
    • awsDdbUnprocessedKeys

      public String awsDdbUnprocessedKeys()
      Contains a map of tables and their respective keys that were not processed with the current response. The option is a: Map<String,KeysAndAttributes> type. Group: BatchGetItems
      the name of the header AwsDdbUnprocessedKeys.
    • awsDdbWriteCapacity

      public String awsDdbWriteCapacity()
      WriteCapacityUnits property of this table. The option is a: Long type. Group: UpdateTable DescribeTable
      the name of the header AwsDdbWriteCapacity.