Class DockerEndpointBuilderFactory.DockerHeaderNameBuilder

Enclosing interface:

public static class DockerEndpointBuilderFactory.DockerHeaderNameBuilder extends Object
The builder of headers' name for the Docker component.
  • Constructor Details

    • DockerHeaderNameBuilder

      public DockerHeaderNameBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • dockerRequestTimeout

      public String dockerRequestTimeout()
      The request timeout for response (in seconds). The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerRequestTimeout.
    • dockerCertPath

      public String dockerCertPath()
      The location containing the SSL certificate chain. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerCertPath.
    • dockerHost

      public String dockerHost()
      The docker host. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerHost.
    • dockerPort

      public String dockerPort()
      The docker port. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerPort.
    • dockerMaxPerRouteConnections

      public String dockerMaxPerRouteConnections()
      The maximum route connections. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerMaxPerRouteConnections.
    • dockerMaxTotalConnections

      public String dockerMaxTotalConnections()
      The maximum total connections. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerMaxTotalConnections.
    • dockerSecure

      public String dockerSecure()
      Use HTTPS communication. The option is a: Boolean type. Default: false Group: common
      the name of the header DockerSecure.
    • dockerTlsVerify

      public String dockerTlsVerify()
      Check TLS. The option is a: Boolean type. Default: false Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTlsVerify.
    • dockerSocketEnabled

      public String dockerSocketEnabled()
      Socket connection mode. The option is a: Boolean type. Default: true Group: common
      the name of the header DockerSocketEnabled.
    • dockerCmdExecFactory

      public String dockerCmdExecFactory()
      The fully qualified class name of the DockerCmdExecFactory implementation to use. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerCmdExecFactory.
    • dockerFilter

      public String dockerFilter()
      With label filter. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerFilter.
    • dockerShowAll

      public String dockerShowAll()
      With show all flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerShowAll.
    • dockerContainerId

      public String dockerContainerId()
      The id of the container. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerContainerId.
    • dockerImageId

      public String dockerImageId()
      The Image ID. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerImageId.
    • dockerEmail

      public String dockerEmail()
      The email address associated with the user. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerEmail.
    • dockerPassword

      public String dockerPassword()
      The password to authenticate with. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerPassword.
    • dockerServerAddress

      public String dockerServerAddress()
      The server address for docker registry. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerServerAddress.
    • dockerUsername

      public String dockerUsername()
      The user name to authenticate with. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerUsername.
    • dockerRegistry

      public String dockerRegistry()
      The registry. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerRegistry.
    • dockerRepository

      public String dockerRepository()
      The repository. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerRepository.
    • dockerTag

      public String dockerTag()
      The tag. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTag.
    • dockerName

      public String dockerName()
      The image name. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerName.
    • dockerTerm

      public String dockerTerm()
      The term to search. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTerm.
    • dockerForce

      public String dockerForce()
      With force flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerForce.
    • dockerNoPrune

      public String dockerNoPrune()
      With no prune flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerNoPrune.
    • dockerInitialRange

      public String dockerInitialRange()
      The initial range. The option is a: Long type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerInitialRange.
    • dockerBefore

      public String dockerBefore()
      With before. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerBefore.
    • dockerLimit

      public String dockerLimit()
      With limit. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerLimit.
    • dockerShowSize

      public String dockerShowSize()
      With show size flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerShowSize.
    • dockerSince

      public String dockerSince()
      With since. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerSince.
    • dockerRemoveVolumes

      public String dockerRemoveVolumes()
      With remove volumes flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerRemoveVolumes.
    • dockerFollowStream

      public String dockerFollowStream()
      With follow stream flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerFollowStream.
    • dockerLogs

      public String dockerLogs()
      With logs flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerLogs.
    • dockerStdErr

      public String dockerStdErr()
      With stdErr flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerStdErr.
    • dockerStdOut

      public String dockerStdOut()
      With stdOut flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerStdOut.
    • dockerTimestamps

      public String dockerTimestamps()
      With timestamps flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTimestamps.
    • dockerTail

      public String dockerTail()
      With Tail. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTail.
    • dockerTailAll

      public String dockerTailAll()
      With tail all flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTailAll.
    • dockerHostPath

      public String dockerHostPath()
      The host path. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerHostPath.
    • dockerResource

      public String dockerResource()
      The resource. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerResource.
    • dockerContainerIdDiff

      public String dockerContainerIdDiff()
      With container id for diff container request. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerContainerIdDiff.
    • dockerTimeout

      public String dockerTimeout()
      With timeout. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTimeout.
    • dockerSignal

      public String dockerSignal()
      With signal. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerSignal.
    • dockerPsArgs

      public String dockerPsArgs()
      With ps args. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerPsArgs.
    • dockerNoCache

      public String dockerNoCache()
      With no cache flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerNoCache.
    • dockerQuiet

      public String dockerQuiet()
      With quiet flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerQuiet.
    • dockerRemove

      public String dockerRemove()
      With remove flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerRemove.
    • dockerAttachStdErr

      public String dockerAttachStdErr()
      With attach StdErr flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerAttachStdErr.
    • dockerAttachStdIn

      public String dockerAttachStdIn()
      With attach StdIn flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerAttachStdIn.
    • dockerAttachStdOut

      public String dockerAttachStdOut()
      With attach StdOut flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerAttachStdOut.
    • dockerAuthor

      public String dockerAuthor()
      The author. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerAuthor.
    • dockerCmd

      public String dockerCmd()
      With cmd. The option is a: String or String[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerCmd.
    • dockerDisableNetwork

      public String dockerDisableNetwork()
      With disable network flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerDisableNetwork.
    • dockerEnv

      public String dockerEnv()
      With env. The option is a: String or String[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerEnv.
    • dockerExposedPorts

      public String dockerExposedPorts()
      The exposed ports. The option is a: ExposedPorts or ExposedPorts[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerExposedPorts.
    • dockerHostname

      public String dockerHostname()
      The hostname. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerHostname.
    • dockerMessage

      public String dockerMessage()
      The message. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerMessage.
    • dockerMemory

      public String dockerMemory()
      With memory. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerMemory.
    • dockerMemorySwap

      public String dockerMemorySwap()
      With memory swap. The option is a: Long or Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerMemorySwap.
    • dockerOpenStdIn

      public String dockerOpenStdIn()
      With open StdIn flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerOpenStdIn.
    • dockerPause

      public String dockerPause()
      With pause flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerPause.
    • dockerPortSpecs

      public String dockerPortSpecs()
      With port specs. The option is a: String or String[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerPortSpecs.
    • dockerStdInOnce

      public String dockerStdInOnce()
      With StdIn in once flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerStdInOnce.
    • dockerTty

      public String dockerTty()
      With TTY flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerTty.
    • dockerUser

      public String dockerUser()
      With user. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerUser.
    • dockerVolumes

      public String dockerVolumes()
      With volumes. The option is a: Volume or Volume[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerVolumes.
    • dockerWorkingDir

      public String dockerWorkingDir()
      With working directory. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerWorkingDir.
    • dockerCpuShares

      public String dockerCpuShares()
      With CPU shares. The option is a: Integer type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerCpuShares.
    • dockerDns

      public String dockerDns()
      With dns. The option is a: String or String[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerDns.
    • dockerEntryPoint

      public String dockerEntryPoint()
      With entrypoint. The option is a: String or String[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerEntryPoint.
    • dockerHostConfig

      public String dockerHostConfig()
      With host config. The option is a: com.github.dockerjava.api.model.HostConfig type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerHostConfig.
    • dockerImage

      public String dockerImage()
      The docker image. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerImage.
    • dockerMemoryLimit

      public String dockerMemoryLimit()
      With memory limit. The option is a: Long type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerMemoryLimit.
    • dockerStdInOpen

      public String dockerStdInOpen()
      With StdIn in open flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerStdInOpen.
    • dockerVolumesFrom

      public String dockerVolumesFrom()
      With volumes from. The option is a: VolumesFrom or VolumesFrom[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerVolumesFrom.
    • dockerDomainName

      public String dockerDomainName()
      With domain name. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerDomainName.
    • dockerBinds

      public String dockerBinds()
      With binds. The option is a: Bind or Bind[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerBinds.
    • dockerCapAdd

      public String dockerCapAdd()
      With cap add. The option is a: Capability or Capability[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerCapAdd.
    • dockerCapDrop

      public String dockerCapDrop()
      With cap drop. The option is a: Capability or Capability[] type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerCapDrop.
    • dockerNetwork

      public String dockerNetwork()
      The network name. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerNetwork.
    • dockerDetach

      public String dockerDetach()
      With detach flag. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerDetach.
    • dockerExecId

      public String dockerExecId()
      The Exec ID. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header DockerExecId.