Class InfinispanRemoteEndpointBuilderFactory.InfinispanRemoteHeaderNameBuilder

Enclosing interface:

public static class InfinispanRemoteEndpointBuilderFactory.InfinispanRemoteHeaderNameBuilder extends Object
The builder of headers' name for the Infinispan component.
  • Constructor Details

    • InfinispanRemoteHeaderNameBuilder

      public InfinispanRemoteHeaderNameBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • infinispanEventType

      public String infinispanEventType()
      The type of the received event. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer
      the name of the header InfinispanEventType.
    • infinispanCacheName

      public String infinispanCacheName()
      The cache participating in the operation or event. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header InfinispanCacheName.
    • infinispanKey

      public String infinispanKey()
      The key to perform the operation to or the key generating the event. The option is a: Object type. Group: common
      the name of the header InfinispanKey.
    • infinispanValue

      public String infinispanValue()
      The value to use for the operation. The option is a: Object type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanValue.
    • infinispanDefaultValue

      public String infinispanDefaultValue()
      The default value to use for a getOrDefault. The option is a: Object type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanDefaultValue.
    • infinispanOldValue

      public String infinispanOldValue()
      The old value to use for a replace. The option is a: Object type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanOldValue.
    • infinispanMap

      public String infinispanMap()
      A Map to use in case of CamelInfinispanOperationPutAll operation. The option is a: Map type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanMap.
    • infinispanOperation

      public String infinispanOperation()
      The operation to perform. The option is a: org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.InfinispanOperation type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanOperation.
    • infinispanOperationResult

      public String infinispanOperationResult()
      The name of the header whose value is the result. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanOperationResult.
    • infinispanOperationResultHeader

      public String infinispanOperationResultHeader()
      Store the operation result in a header instead of the message body. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanOperationResultHeader.
    • infinispanLifespanTime

      public String infinispanLifespanTime()
      The Lifespan time of a value inside the cache. Negative values are interpreted as infinity. The option is a: long type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanLifespanTime.
    • infinispanTimeUnit

      public String infinispanTimeUnit()
      The Time Unit of an entry Lifespan Time. The option is a: java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanTimeUnit.
    • infinispanMaxIdleTime

      public String infinispanMaxIdleTime()
      The maximum amount of time an entry is allowed to be idle for before it is considered as expired. The option is a: long type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanMaxIdleTime.
    • infinispanMaxIdleTimeUnit

      public String infinispanMaxIdleTimeUnit()
      The Time Unit of an entry Max Idle Time. The option is a: java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanMaxIdleTimeUnit.
    • infinispanEventData

      public String infinispanEventData()
      The event data. The option is a: Object type. Group: consumer
      the name of the header InfinispanEventData.
    • infinispanQueryBuilder

      public String infinispanQueryBuilder()
      The QueryBuilder to use for QUERY command, if not present the command defaults to InifinispanConfiguration's one. The option is a: org.apache.camel.component.infinispan.InfinispanQueryBuilder type. Group: producer
      the name of the header InfinispanQueryBuilder.
    • infinispanEntryVersion

      public String infinispanEntryVersion()
      Provides access to the version of the created cache entry. The option is a: long type. Group: consumer
      the name of the header InfinispanEntryVersion.
    • infinispanCommandRetried

      public String infinispanCommandRetried()
      This will be true if the write command that caused this had to be retried again due to a topology change. The option is a: boolean type. Group: consumer
      the name of the header InfinispanCommandRetried.