Class MongoDbEndpointBuilderFactory.MongoDbHeaderNameBuilder

Enclosing interface:

public static class MongoDbEndpointBuilderFactory.MongoDbHeaderNameBuilder extends Object
The builder of headers' name for the MongoDB component.
  • Constructor Details

    • MongoDbHeaderNameBuilder

      public MongoDbHeaderNameBuilder()
  • Method Details

    • mongoDbOperation

      public String mongoDbOperation()
      The operation this endpoint will execute against MongoDB. The option is a: org.apache.camel.component.mongodb.MongoDbOperation or String type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbOperation.
    • mongoDbResultTotalSize

      public String mongoDbResultTotalSize()
      Number of objects matching the query. This does not take limit/skip into consideration. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer findAll
      the name of the header MongoDbResultTotalSize.
    • mongoDbResultPageSize

      public String mongoDbResultPageSize()
      Number of objects matching the query. This does not take limit/skip into consideration. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer findAll
      the name of the header MongoDbResultPageSize.
    • mongoDbCriteria

      public String mongoDbCriteria()
      The query to execute against MongoDB. The option is a: org.bson.conversions.Bson type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbCriteria.
    • mongoDbFieldsProjection

      public String mongoDbFieldsProjection()
      The project document. The option is a: org.bson.conversions.Bson type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbFieldsProjection.
    • mongoDbBatchSize

      public String mongoDbBatchSize()
      The number of documents per batch. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer findAll aggregate
      the name of the header MongoDbBatchSize.
    • mongoDbNumToSkip

      public String mongoDbNumToSkip()
      Discards a given number of elements at the beginning of the cursor. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer findAll
      the name of the header MongoDbNumToSkip.
    • mongoDbMultiUpdate

      public String mongoDbMultiUpdate()
      If the update should be applied to all objects matching. See Operations. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: producer update
      the name of the header MongoDbMultiUpdate.
    • mongoDbUpsert

      public String mongoDbUpsert()
      If the database should create the element if it does not exist. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: producer update
      the name of the header MongoDbUpsert.
    • mongoDbRecordsAffected

      public String mongoDbRecordsAffected()
      The number of modified or deleted records. The option is a: long type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbRecordsAffected.
    • mongoDbRecordsMatched

      public String mongoDbRecordsMatched()
      The number of documents matched by the query. The option is a: long type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbRecordsMatched.
    • mongoDbSortBy

      public String mongoDbSortBy()
      The sort criteria. The option is a: Bson or Document type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbSortBy.
    • mongoDbDatabase

      public String mongoDbDatabase()
      The name of the MongoDB database to target. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header MongoDbDatabase.
    • mongoDbCollection

      public String mongoDbCollection()
      The name of the MongoDB collection to bind to this endpoint. The option is a: String type. Group: common
      the name of the header MongoDbCollection.
    • mongoDbCollectionIndex

      public String mongoDbCollectionIndex()
      The list of dynamic indexes to create on the fly. The option is a: List<Bson> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbCollectionIndex.
    • mongoDbLimit

      public String mongoDbLimit()
      Limits the number of elements returned. The option is a: Integer type. Group: producer findAll
      the name of the header MongoDbLimit.
    • mongoDbTailable

      public String mongoDbTailable()
      Is from tailable. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: consumer
      the name of the header MongoDbTailable.
    • mongoWriteResult

      public String mongoWriteResult()
      The result of the write operation. The option is a: Object type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoWriteResult.
    • mongoOid

      public String mongoOid()
      The OID(s) of the inserted record(s). The option is a: Object or List<Object> type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoOid.
    • mongoDbDistinctQueryField

      public String mongoDbDistinctQueryField()
      The specified field name fow which we want to get the distinct values. The option is a: String type. Group: producer
      the name of the header MongoDbDistinctQueryField.
    • mongoDbAllowDiskUse

      public String mongoDbAllowDiskUse()
      Sets allowDiskUse MongoDB flag. This is supported since MongoDB Server 4.3.1. Using this header with older MongoDB Server version can cause query to fail. The option is a: Boolean type. Group: producer findAll aggregate
      the name of the header MongoDbAllowDiskUse.
    • mongoDbBulkOrdered

      public String mongoDbBulkOrdered()
      Perform an ordered or unordered operation execution. The option is a: Boolean type. Default: TRUE Group: producer bulkWrite
      the name of the header MongoDbBulkOrdered.
    • id

      public String id()
      A document that contains the _id of the document created or modified by the insert, replace, delete, update operations (i.e. CRUD operations). For sharded collections, also displays the full shard key for the document. The _id field is not repeated if it is already a part of the shard key. The option is a: org.bson.types.ObjectId type. Group: consumer changeStreams
      the name of the header _id.
    • mongoDbStreamOperationType

      public String mongoDbStreamOperationType()
      The type of operation that occurred. Can be any of the following values: insert, delete, replace, update, drop, rename, dropDatabase, invalidate. The option is a: String type. Group: consumer changeStreams
      the name of the header MongoDbStreamOperationType.