Interface SpringWebserviceEndpointBuilderFactory.SpringWebserviceBuilders

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EndpointRouteBuilder, EndpointRouteConfigurationBuilder
Enclosing interface:

public static interface SpringWebserviceEndpointBuilderFactory.SpringWebserviceBuilders
  • Method Details

    • springWs

      Spring WebService (camel-spring-ws) Access external web services as a client or expose your own web services. Category: webservice Since: 2.6 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-spring-ws
      the dsl builder for the headers' name.
    • springWs

      Spring WebService (camel-spring-ws) Access external web services as a client or expose your own web services. Category: webservice Since: 2.6 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-spring-ws Syntax: spring-ws:type:lookupKey:webServiceEndpointUri Path parameter: type Endpoint mapping type if endpoint mapping is used. rootqname - Offers the option to map web service requests based on the qualified name of the root element contained in the message. soapaction - Used to map web service requests based on the SOAP action specified in the header of the message. uri - In order to map web service requests that target a specific URI. xpathresult - Used to map web service requests based on the evaluation of an XPath expression against the incoming message. The result of the evaluation should match the XPath result specified in the endpoint URI. beanname - Allows you to reference an object in order to integrate with existing (legacy) endpoint mappings like PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping, SoapActionEndpointMapping, etc There are 8 enums and the value can be one of: ROOT_QNAME, ACTION, TO, SOAP_ACTION, XPATHRESULT, URI, URI_PATH, BEANNAME Path parameter: lookupKey Endpoint mapping key if endpoint mapping is used Path parameter: webServiceEndpointUri The default Web Service endpoint uri to use for the producer.
      path - type:lookupKey:webServiceEndpointUri
      the dsl builder
    • springWs

      Spring WebService (camel-spring-ws) Access external web services as a client or expose your own web services. Category: webservice Since: 2.6 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-spring-ws Syntax: spring-ws:type:lookupKey:webServiceEndpointUri Path parameter: type Endpoint mapping type if endpoint mapping is used. rootqname - Offers the option to map web service requests based on the qualified name of the root element contained in the message. soapaction - Used to map web service requests based on the SOAP action specified in the header of the message. uri - In order to map web service requests that target a specific URI. xpathresult - Used to map web service requests based on the evaluation of an XPath expression against the incoming message. The result of the evaluation should match the XPath result specified in the endpoint URI. beanname - Allows you to reference an object in order to integrate with existing (legacy) endpoint mappings like PayloadRootQNameEndpointMapping, SoapActionEndpointMapping, etc There are 8 enums and the value can be one of: ROOT_QNAME, ACTION, TO, SOAP_ACTION, XPATHRESULT, URI, URI_PATH, BEANNAME Path parameter: lookupKey Endpoint mapping key if endpoint mapping is used Path parameter: webServiceEndpointUri The default Web Service endpoint uri to use for the producer.
      componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
      path - type:lookupKey:webServiceEndpointUri
      the dsl builder