Interface StitchEndpointBuilderFactory.StitchBuilders

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EndpointRouteBuilder, EndpointRouteConfigurationBuilder
Enclosing interface:

public static interface StitchEndpointBuilderFactory.StitchBuilders
  • Method Details

    • stitch

      Stitch (camel-stitch) Stitch is a cloud ETL service that integrates various data sources into a central data warehouse through various integrations. Category: cloud,api,saas,bigdata Since: 3.8 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-stitch
      the dsl builder for the headers' name.
    • stitch

      Stitch (camel-stitch) Stitch is a cloud ETL service that integrates various data sources into a central data warehouse through various integrations. Category: cloud,api,saas,bigdata Since: 3.8 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-stitch Syntax: stitch:tableName Path parameter: tableName The name of the destination table the data is being pushed to. Table names must be unique in each destination schema, or loading issues will occur. Note: The number of characters in the table name should be within the destination's allowed limits or data will rejected.
      path - tableName
      the dsl builder
    • stitch

      default StitchEndpointBuilderFactory.StitchEndpointBuilder stitch(String componentName, String path)
      Stitch (camel-stitch) Stitch is a cloud ETL service that integrates various data sources into a central data warehouse through various integrations. Category: cloud,api,saas,bigdata Since: 3.8 Maven coordinates: org.apache.camel:camel-stitch Syntax: stitch:tableName Path parameter: tableName The name of the destination table the data is being pushed to. Table names must be unique in each destination schema, or loading issues will occur. Note: The number of characters in the table name should be within the destination's allowed limits or data will rejected.
      componentName - to use a custom component name for the endpoint instead of the default name
      path - tableName
      the dsl builder