Class MoveExistingFileStrategyUtils

  • public final class MoveExistingFileStrategyUtils
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • completePartialRelativePath

        public static String completePartialRelativePath​(String destinationPath,
                                                         String fileOnlyName,
                                                         String directoryName)
        This method manipulates the destinationPath in case of moveExisting parameter is expressed as file language expression subdirectory name of the directoryName adding directoryName on top and file name at the end. for example, a camel endpoint like that: file://data/file?fileExist=Move&moveExisting=archive-${date:now:yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS}/ directoryName = data/file, fileOnlyName = whatever.ext, destinationPath = archive-20201110115125770 the outcome of this method would be data/file/archive-20201110115125770/whatever.ext
        destinationPath - the destination path
        fileOnlyName - the file name without the path
        directoryName - the path of the file to be moved/renamed
        the full destination path