Interface FileMoveExistingStrategy

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface FileMoveExistingStrategy
    This is the interface to be implemented when a custom implementation needs to be provided in case of fileExists=Move is in use while moving any existing file in producer endpoints.
    • Method Detail

      • moveExistingFile

        boolean moveExistingFile​(GenericFileEndpoint endpoint,
                                 GenericFileOperations operations,
                                 String fileName)
                          throws GenericFileOperationFailedException
        Moves any existing file due fileExists=Move is in use.
        endpoint - the given endpoint of the component
        operations - file operations API of the relevant component's API
        result of the file opeartion can be returned note that for now, implemetion classes for file component and ftp components, always returned true. However,if such a need of direct usage of File API returning true|false, you can use that return value for implementation's return value.