Interface DeleteHandler<T>

  • public interface DeleteHandler<T>
    A strategy for deleting entity beans which have been processed; either by a real delete or by an update of some application specific properties so that the entity bean will not be found in future polling queries.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void deleteObject​(javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager, Object entityBean, org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
      Deletes the entity bean after it has been processed either by actually deleting the object or updating it in a way so that future queries do not return this object again.
    • Method Detail

      • deleteObject

        void deleteObject​(javax.persistence.EntityManager entityManager,
                          Object entityBean,
                          org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
        Deletes the entity bean after it has been processed either by actually deleting the object or updating it in a way so that future queries do not return this object again.
        entityManager - the entity manager
        entityBean - the entity bean that has been processed and should be deleted
        exchange - the exchange that could be used to update the entityBean