Interface HttpServerConsumerChannelFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface HttpServerConsumerChannelFactory
    Factory for setting up Netty ChannelHandler bound to a given Netty port.

    This factory allows for consumers to reuse existing ServerBootstrap which allows to share the same port for multiple consumers. This factory is needed to ensure we can handle the situations when consumers is added and removing in a dynamic environment such as OSGi, where Camel applications can be hot-deployed. And we want these Camel applications to be able to share the same Netty port in a easy way.

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(int port)
        Initializes this consumer channel factory with the given port.
      • getPort

        int getPort()
        The port number this consumer channel factory is using.
      • addConsumer

        void addConsumer​(NettyHttpConsumer consumer)
        Adds the given consumer.
      • removeConsumer

        void removeConsumer​(NettyHttpConsumer consumer)
        Removes the given consumer
      • consumers

        int consumers()
        Number of active consumers
      • getChannelHandler getChannelHandler()
        Gets the ChannelHandler