All Classes and Interfaces

Helper to create commonly used ChannelHandlerFactory instances.
Factory for creating new ChannelHandler used for non shareable encoders and decoders configured on the Camel NettyComponent.
Client handler which cannot be shared
Factory to create ChannelPipeline for clients, eg NettyProducer.
A NettyServerBootstrapFactory which is used by a single consumer (not shared).
We need to derive from the original decoder because we need to call the decode method directly which is protected in the original one.
We need to derive from the original encoder because we need to call the encode method directly which is protected in the original one.
Stores state for NettyProducer when sending messages.
To manage and correlate state of NettyCamelState when doing request/reply via NettyProducer.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Netty constants
A set of converter methods for working with Netty types
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Socket level networking using TCP or UDP with Netty 4.x.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Helper class used internally by camel-netty using Netty.
Helper to get and set the correct payload when transferring data using camel-netty.
Factory for setting up Netty ServerBootstrap and all the needed logic for doing that.
A builder to create Netty EventLoopGroup which can be used for executor boss events with multiple Netty NettyServerBootstrapFactory server bootstrap configurations.
A builder to create Netty EventLoopGroup which can be used for sharing worker pools with multiple Netty NettyServerBootstrapFactory server bootstrap configurations.
Just expose the decode method for DatagramPacketObjectDecoder to use
Just expose the encode method for DatagramPacketObjectEncoder to use
Server handler which cannot be shared
Factory to create ChannelPipeline for servers, eg NettyConsumer.
A ChannelFutureListener that performs the disconnect logic when sending the response is complete.
A ChannelHandlerFactory returning a shareable ChannelHandler.
An ObjectPool that uses a single shared instance.
A NettyServerBootstrapFactory which is used by a single consumer (not shared).
A NettyServerBootstrapFactory which is used by a single consumer (not shared).
A class that performs some subnet calculations given a network address and a subnet mask.
Possible text line delimiters to be used with the textline codec.
A base class for using NettyCamelStateCorrelationManager that supports timeout.