All Classes and Interfaces

This is a Quartz Job that is scheduled by QuartzEndpoint's Consumer and will call it to produce a QuartzMessage sending to a route.
Allows the camel-quartz component to be used as implementation for camel-cron endpoints.
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This component will hold a Quartz Scheduler that will provide scheduled timer based endpoint that generate a QuartzMessage to a route.
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Provide some constants used in this component package.
This consumer process QuartzMessage when scheduler job is executed per scheduled time.
Schedule sending of messages using the Quartz 2.x scheduler.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
A Camel message to be created upon each scheduled job execution.
A quartz based ScheduledPollConsumerScheduler which uses a CronTrigger to define when the poll should be triggered.
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This is Quartz based RoutePolicy implementation that re-use almost identical to "camel-quartz" component.
Quartz constants.
Task to be performed when initializing and starting the scheduler.
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A stateful job for CamelJob.