Class AbstractDescribedSObjectBase

public abstract class AbstractDescribedSObjectBase extends AbstractSObjectBase
Subclass of AbstractSObjectBase that contains additional metadata about SObject. The camel-salesforce-maven-plugin generates Data Transfer Objects (DTO) by subclassing this class and implementing the description() method from the metadata received from Salesforce. Note that there are no guarantees about all fields in the SObjectDescription being set. This is to prevent unnecessary memory usage, and to prevent running into Java method length limit.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractDescribedSObjectBase

      public AbstractDescribedSObjectBase()
  • Method Details

    • description

      public abstract SObjectDescription description()
      Additional metadata about this SObject. There are no guarantees that all of the fields of SObjectDescription will be set.
      metadata description of this SObject
    • createField

      protected static SObjectField createField(String name, String label, String type, String soapType, int length, boolean unique, boolean nillable, boolean nameField, boolean externalId, boolean custom, boolean caseSensitive, boolean idLookup)