All Classes and Interfaces

Base DTO for report attributes.
Subclass of AbstractSObjectBase that contains additional metadata about SObject.
Abstract base DTO for Salesforce SOQL Query records.
Base DTO for report results.
Salesforce DTO for Compound type urn:address.
Report results aggregate column info.
Client interface for Analytics API.
Exchange processor for Analytics API.
Represents approval request sent to submit, approve or reject record.
Holds approvals resource data.
Information about approval tied to specific Salesforce object.
Async report attributes DTO.
Sync Report results DTO.
Java class for BatchInfo complex type.
Java class for BatchInfoList complex type.
Java class for BatchResult complex type.
Java class for BatchStateEnum.
Client interface for Salesforce Bulk API
Grouping column sort order.
Java class for ConcurrencyModeEnum.
Represents an event that is consumed in a subscriber client.
Represents an event that is consumed in a subscriber client.
Java class for ContentType.
Default ReferenceGenerator implementation that generates a counted sequence of references (ref1, ref2, ...).
Report results groupings date granularity.
Default implementation of AnalyticsApiClient.
Report results details column info.
Contains error information for an error that an RPC method returns.
Java class for Error complex type.
Contains error information for an error that an RPC method returns.
Supported error codes
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Request for the Subscribe streaming RPC method.
Request for the Subscribe streaming RPC method.
Response for the Subscribe streaming RPC method.
Response for the Subscribe streaming RPC method.
Report type metadata filter operator reference.
Report type column filter value.
Salesforce Enumeration DTO for picklist Format
Salesforce DTO for compound type GeoLocation.
Report results grouping column info.
Report metadata grouping info.
Report results groupings.
Report results grouping value.
Java class for JobInfo complex type.
Java class for JobStateEnum.
Factory class for creating ObjectMapper
Data given by the `Limits` resource on Salesforce.
Encapsulates usage limits for single operation.
DTO for Salesforce login error
DTO for Salesforce login
Jackson deserializer base class for reading ';' separated strings for MultiSelect pick-lists.
Jackson Serializer for generating ';' separated strings for MultiSelect pick-lists.
Salesforce Enumeration DTO for picklist NotifyForFields
Salesforce Enumeration DTO for picklist NotifyForOperations
This object contains factory methods for each Java content interface and Java element interface in the org.apache.camel.component.salesforce.api.dto.bulk package.
Java class for OperationEnum.
Salesforce DTO for picklist value.
Represents an event that an event publishing app creates.
Represents an event that an event publishing app creates.
Request for the Publish and PublishStream RPC method.
Request for the Publish and PublishStream RPC method.
Response for the Publish and PublishStream RPC methods.
Response for the Publish and PublishStream RPC methods.
Event publish result that the Publish RPC method returns.
Event publish result that the Publish RPC method returns.
The Pub/Sub API provides a single interface for publishing and subscribing to platform events, including real-time event monitoring events, and change data capture events.
The Pub/Sub API provides a single interface for publishing and subscribing to platform events, including real-time event monitoring events, and change data capture events.
A stub to allow clients to do synchronous rpc calls to service PubSub.
A stub to allow clients to do ListenableFuture-style rpc calls to service PubSub.
Base class for the server implementation of the service PubSub.
A stub to allow clients to do asynchronous rpc calls to service PubSub.
Salesforce DTO for SObject PushTopic
Salesforce Query Records DTO for PushTopic
Salesforce QueryRecords DTO for type Report
Java class for QueryResult complex type.
Java class for QueryResultList complex type.
Report list info DTO.
SObject tree Composite API interface for referenceId generation.
The Bayeux extension for replay
Supported subscription replay start values.
Salesforce DTO for SObject Report
Report description DTO.
Report results extended metadata.
Report results fact with details.
Report filter details DTO.
Report format enumeration.
Report instance DTO.
Report metadata DTO.
Reports fact map row.
Report status enumeration.
Report type DTO.
Report categories columns.
Report type metadata categories DTO.
Report description report type DTO.
DTO for Salesforce REST errors
Java class for Result complex type.
Java class for ResultError complex type.
Represents the component that manages SalesforceEndpoint.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Communicate with Salesforce using Java DTOs.
Salesforce Endpoint configuration.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Custom Salesforce HTTP Client that creates HttpRequest requests.
Configuration object for Salesforce login properties
The Salesforce producer.
Salesforce report results to List<List<String>>converter.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Response for the GetSchema RPC method.
Response for the GetSchema RPC method.
Request for the GetSchema RPC method.
Request for the GetSchema RPC method.
DTO for Salesforce SOSL Search result record.
DTO for Salesforce SOSL Search result record for v37 and later
DTO for Salesforce SOSL Search results.
Java class for sObject complex type.
Builder for Composite API batch request.
The response of the batch request it contains individual results of each request submitted in a batch at the same index.
Contains the individual result of Composite API batch request.
Executes a series of REST API requests in a single call.
The response of the composite request it contains individual results of each request submitted in a request at the same index.
Contains the individual result of Composite API request.
Represents one node in the SObject tree request.
Payload and response for the SObject tree Composite API.
Response from the SObject tree Composite API invocation.
Java class for StatusCode.
The Salesforce Streaming API consumer.
Jackson deserializer base class for reading ';' separated strings for MultiSelect pick-lists.
Jackson Serializer for generating ';' separated strings for MultiSelect pick-lists.
Report results summary value DTO for data cells and aggregates.
Report results Attributes.
Sync Report results DTO.
Thin wrapper to handle callback for RestClient.ResponseCallback and allow waiting for results
Contains information about a topic and uniquely identifies it.
Contains information about a topic and uniquely identifies it.
A request message for GetTopic.
A request message for GetTopic.
Class that holds TypeReference instances needed for Jackson mapper to support generics.
DTO for Salesforce version API
DTO for Salesforce versions