All Classes and Interfaces

A base class for a parser for a bean.
Spring specific DefaultCamelBeanPostProcessor which uses Spring BeanPostProcessor to post process beans.
Configures a ConsumerTemplate
CamelContext using XML configuration.
Camel endpoint configuration
Configures a FluentProducerTemplate
Camel namespace for the spring XML configuration file.
Configures a ProducerTemplate
Configuration of redelivery policy.
Configuration of REST services using rest-dsl using XML
Configuration of route configurations using XML
Configuration of routes using XML
Configuration of route templates using XML
Configuration of thread pools
A helper class which will find all RouteBuilder instances on the Spring ApplicationContext.
The DefinitionParser to deal with the ErrorHandler
Key store facility for cryptographic keys and certificates
A helper class which will find all RouteBuilder instances on the classpath
Cryptographically strong random number generator
Error handler settings
Used to configure the error handler type
Secure socket protocol configuration
Allows doing custom configuration when a new XML based SpringCamelContext has been created.