All Classes and Interfaces

A BeanRepository implementation which looks up the objects in the Spring ApplicationContext
A PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer that bridges Camel's property placeholder with the Spring property placeholder mechanism.
Spring specific DefaultCamelBeanPostProcessor which uses Spring BeanPostProcessor to post process beans.
Helper to resolve CamelContext from the Spring ApplicationContext.
Represents a Spring ApplicationEvent which contains a Camel Exchange
Allows camel-spring to be used as implementation for camel-cron endpoints.
A Camel extension of Spring's ThreadPoolTaskScheduler which uses the ExecutorServiceManager to create and destroy the thread pool, which ensures the thread pool is also managed and consistent with other usages of thread pools in Camel.
The Event Component is for working with Spring ApplicationEvents.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
An Event Consumer for working with Spring ApplicationEvents
Listen for Spring Application Events.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
Reflection utilities, extending Spring ReflectionUtils.
EL bean resolver that operates against a Camel Registry.
Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
An annotation for injection of Spring Expression Language (SpEL) expressions into method parameters, fields or properties.
Class responsible for evaluating Spring Expression Language (SpEL) in the context of Camel.
A Spring Expression Language plugin
A Spring aware implementation of CamelContext which will automatically register itself with Springs lifecycle methods plus allows spring to be used to customize a any Type Converters as well as supporting accessing components and beans via the Spring ApplicationContext
A Spring implementation of Injector allowing Spring to be used to dependency inject newly created POJOs
An spring assembler to assemble a ModelMBean which can be used to register the object in JMX.
use plain RouteBuilder
A Spring based ScheduledPollConsumerScheduler which uses a CronTrigger to define when the poll should be triggered.
Spring transaction policy when using spring based transactions.
The Transactional Client EIP pattern.
We use a runtime exception to force Spring transaction manager to rollback the transaction.