Class TimeBoundedBudget

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Budget, TimeBudget

    public class TimeBoundedBudget
    extends Object
    implements TimeBudget
    This task budget limits the execution by both a maximum amount of time for the execution.
    • Method Detail

      • maxDuration

        public long maxDuration()
        Description copied from interface: TimeBudget
        The maximum length of time that the task can execute
        Specified by:
        maxDuration in interface TimeBudget
        the length of time in milliseconds
      • initialDelay

        public long initialDelay()
        Description copied from interface: Budget
        Defines an initial delay before running the task
        Specified by:
        initialDelay in interface Budget
        the initial delay, in milliseconds, before running the task
      • interval

        public long interval()
        Description copied from interface: Budget
        The interval between each task execution
        Specified by:
        interval in interface Budget
        the interval, in milliseconds, for each task execution
      • canContinue

        public boolean canContinue()
        Description copied from interface: Budget
        Whether the task has budget to continue executing or not
        Specified by:
        canContinue in interface Budget
        true if the task can continue or false otherwise
      • next

        public boolean next()
        Description copied from interface: Budget
        Move the task to the next iteration
        Specified by:
        next in interface Budget
        true if the task can continue or false otherwise
      • elapsed

        public Duration elapsed()
        Description copied from interface: Budget
        The amount of time that has elapsed since the budget was created. This can be used to account for the amount of time it took to run a task. The precision should be withing a few microseconds/milliseconds due to the start time being created along with the budget instance. We do so to avoid the overhead of checking it the next or canContinue methods because they could be part of the hot path for some components.
        Specified by:
        elapsed in interface Budget
        The amount of time that has elapsed since the budget was created