Class ArgumentSubstitutionParser.Substitution

    • Constructor Detail

      • Substitution

        public Substitution​(String method,
                            String argName,
                            String replacement)
        Creates a substitution for all argument types.
        method - regex to match method name
        argName - regex to match argument name
        replacement - replacement text for argument name
      • Substitution

        public Substitution​(String method,
                            String argName,
                            String argType,
                            String replacement)
        Creates a substitution for a specific argument type.
        method - regex to match method name
        argName - regex to match argument name
        argType - argument type as String
        replacement - replacement text for argument name
      • Substitution

        public Substitution​(String method,
                            String argName,
                            String argType,
                            String replacement,
                            boolean replaceWithType)
        Create a substitution for a specific argument type and flag to indicate whether the replacement uses
    • Method Detail

      • validate

        public void validate()