Class DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy
    extends Object
    implements org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy
    The default header filtering strategy. Users can configure filter by setting filter set and/or setting a regular expression. Subclass can add extended filter logic in extendedFilter(org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy.Direction, String, Object, org.apache.camel.Exchange) Filters are associated with directions (in or out). "In" direction is referred to propagating headers "to" Camel message. The "out" direction is opposite which is referred to propagating headers from Camel message to a native message like JMS and CXF message. You can see example of DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy are being extended and invoked in camel-jms and camel-cxf components.
    • Field Detail


        public static final Pattern CAMEL_FILTER_PATTERN
        A filter pattern that only accepts keys starting with Camel or org.apache.camel.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy

        public DefaultHeaderFilterStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • applyFilterToCamelHeaders

        public boolean applyFilterToCamelHeaders​(String headerName,
                                                 Object headerValue,
                                                 org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
        Specified by:
        applyFilterToCamelHeaders in interface org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy
      • applyFilterToExternalHeaders

        public boolean applyFilterToExternalHeaders​(String headerName,
                                                    Object headerValue,
                                                    org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)
        Specified by:
        applyFilterToExternalHeaders in interface org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy
      • getOutFilter

        public Set<String> getOutFilter()
        Gets the "out" direction filter set. The "out" direction is referred to copying headers from a Camel message to an external message.
        a set that contains header names that should be excluded.
      • setOutFilter

        public void setOutFilter​(Set<String> value)
        Sets the "out" direction filter set. The "out" direction is referred to copying headers from a Camel message to an external message.
        value - the filter
      • getOutFilterPattern

        public String getOutFilterPattern()
        Gets the "out" direction filter regular expression Pattern. The "out" direction is referred to copying headers from Camel message to an external message. If the pattern matches a header, the header will be filtered out.
        regular expression filter pattern
      • setOutFilterPattern

        public void setOutFilterPattern​(String value)
        Sets the "out" direction filter regular expression Pattern. The "out" direction is referred to copying headers from Camel message to an external message. If the pattern matches a header, the header will be filtered out.
        value - regular expression filter pattern
      • setOutFilterPattern

        public void setOutFilterPattern​(Pattern pattern)
        Sets the "out" direction filter regular expression Pattern. The "out" direction is referred to copying headers from Camel message to an external message. If the pattern matches a header, the header will be filtered out.
        pattern - regular expression filter pattern
      • getInFilter

        public Set<String> getInFilter()
        Gets the "in" direction filter set. The "in" direction is referred to copying headers from an external message to a Camel message.
        a set that contains header names that should be excluded.
      • setInFilter

        public void setInFilter​(Set<String> value)
        Sets the "in" direction filter set. The "in" direction is referred to copying headers from an external message to a Camel message.
        value - the filter
      • getInFilterPattern

        public String getInFilterPattern()
        Gets the "in" direction filter regular expression Pattern. The "in" direction is referred to copying headers from an external message to a Camel message. If the pattern matches a header, the header will be filtered out.
        regular expression filter pattern
      • setInFilterPattern

        public void setInFilterPattern​(String value)
        Sets the "in" direction filter regular expression Pattern. The "in" direction is referred to copying headers from an external message to a Camel message. If the pattern matches a header, the header will be filtered out.
        value - regular expression filter pattern
      • setInFilterPattern

        public void setInFilterPattern​(Pattern pattern)
        Sets the "in" direction filter regular expression Pattern. The "in" direction is referred to copying headers from an external message to a Camel message. If the pattern matches a header, the header will be filtered out.
        pattern - regular expression filter pattern
      • isLowerCase

        public boolean isLowerCase()
        Gets the isLowercase property which is a boolean to determine whether header names should be converted to lower case before checking it with the filter Set. It does not affect filtering using regular expression pattern.
      • setLowerCase

        public void setLowerCase​(boolean value)
        Sets the isLowercase property which is a boolean to determine whether header names should be converted to lower case before checking it with the filter Set. It does not affect filtering using regular expression pattern.
      • isCaseInsensitive

        public boolean isCaseInsensitive()
        Gets the caseInsensitive property which is a boolean to determine whether header names should be case insensitive when checking it with the filter set. It does not affect filtering using regular expression pattern.
        true if header names is case insensitive.
      • setCaseInsensitive

        public void setCaseInsensitive​(boolean caseInsensitive)
        Sets the caseInsensitive property which is a boolean to determine whether header names should be case insensitive when checking it with the filter set. It does not affect filtering using regular expression pattern,
        caseInsensitive - true if header names is case insensitive.
      • isAllowNullValues

        public boolean isAllowNullValues()
      • setAllowNullValues

        public void setAllowNullValues​(boolean value)
      • isFilterOnMatch

        public boolean isFilterOnMatch()
      • setFilterOnMatch

        public void setFilterOnMatch​(boolean filterOnMatch)
        Sets the filterOnMatch property which is a boolean to determine what to do when a pattern or filter set is matched. When set to true, a match will filter out the header. This is the default value for backwards compatibility. When set to false, the pattern or filter will indicate that the header must be kept; anything not matched will be filtered out.
        filterOnMatch - true if a match filters out the header.
      • extendedFilter

        protected boolean extendedFilter​(org.apache.camel.spi.HeaderFilterStrategy.Direction direction,
                                         String key,
                                         Object value,
                                         org.apache.camel.Exchange exchange)