Package org.apache.camel.test.main.junit5

package org.apache.camel.test.main.junit5
  • Class
    A specific annotation allowing to define a mapping between a route represented by its id and advice represented by a subclass of RouteBuilder to use to advice the route.
    @CamelMainTest is an annotation allowing to mark a test class as a test of a Camel Main application.
    The base class of all the test classes that are meant to test a Camel Main application.
    @Configure is an annotation allowing to mark a method with an arbitrary name that is meant to be called to configure the Camel context to use for the test.
    DebuggerCallback is an interface to implement in case a test wishes to be called immediately before and after invoking a processor by enabling and configuring automatically the debug mode.
    @ReplaceInRegistry is an annotation used to mark all the methods and fields whose return value or value should replace an existing bean in the registry.