Class ThriftConfiguration


@UriParams public class ThriftConfiguration extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • ThriftConfiguration

      public ThriftConfiguration()
  • Method Details

    • getService

      public String getService()
      Fully qualified service name from the thrift descriptor file (package dot service definition name)
    • setService

      public void setService(String service)
    • getMethod

      public String getMethod()
      The Thrift invoked method name
    • setMethod

      public void setMethod(String method)
    • getExchangeProtocol

      public ThriftExchangeProtocol getExchangeProtocol()
      Exchange protocol serialization type
    • setExchangeProtocol

      public void setExchangeProtocol(ThriftExchangeProtocol exchangeProtocol)
    • getNegotiationType

      public ThriftNegotiationType getNegotiationType()
      Security negotiation type
    • setNegotiationType

      public void setNegotiationType(ThriftNegotiationType negotiationType)
    • getSslParameters

      public getSslParameters()
      Configuration parameters for SSL/TLS security negotiation
    • setSslParameters

      public void setSslParameters( sslParameters)
    • getCompressionType

      public ThriftCompressionType getCompressionType()
      Protocol compression mechanism type
    • setCompressionType

      public void setCompressionType(ThriftCompressionType compressionType)
    • getHost

      public String getHost()
      The Thrift server host name. This is localhost or (if not defined) when being a consumer or remote server host name when using producer.
    • setHost

      public void setHost(String host)
    • getPort

      public int getPort()
      The Thrift server port
    • setPort

      public void setPort(int port)
    • getClientTimeout

      public int getClientTimeout()
      Client timeout for consumers
    • setClientTimeout

      public void setClientTimeout(int clientTimeout)
    • getPoolSize

      public int getPoolSize()
      The Thrift server consumer initial thread pool size
    • setPoolSize

      public void setPoolSize(int poolSize)
    • getMaxPoolSize

      public int getMaxPoolSize()
      The Thrift server consumer max thread pool size
    • setMaxPoolSize

      public void setMaxPoolSize(int maxPoolSize)
    • parseURI

      public void parseURI(URI uri)