Class StringHelper

    • Method Detail

      • sanitize

        public static String sanitize​(String s)
        Ensures that s is friendly for a URL or file system.
        s - String to be sanitized.
        sanitized version of s.
        NullPointerException - if s is null.
      • removeCRLF

        public static String removeCRLF​(String s)
        Remove carriage return and line feeds from a String, replacing them with an empty String.
        s - String to be sanitized of carriage return / line feed characters
        sanitized version of s.
        NullPointerException - if s is null.
      • countChar

        public static int countChar​(String s,
                                    char ch)
        Counts the number of times the given char is in the string
        s - the string
        ch - the char
        number of times char is located in the string
      • countChar

        public static int countChar​(String s,
                                    char ch,
                                    int end)
        Counts the number of times the given char is in the string
        s - the string
        ch - the char
        end - end index
        number of times char is located in the string
      • limitLength

        public static String limitLength​(String s,
                                         int maxLength)
        Limits the length of a string
        s - the string
        maxLength - the maximum length of the returned string
        s if the length of s is less than maxLength or the first maxLength characters of s
      • removeQuotes

        public static String removeQuotes​(String s)
        Removes all quotes (single and double) from the string
        s - the string
        the string without quotes (single and double)
      • removeLeadingAndEndingQuotes

        public static String removeLeadingAndEndingQuotes​(String s)
        Removes all leading and ending quotes (single and double) from the string
        s - the string
        the string without leading and ending quotes (single and double)
      • isQuoted

        public static boolean isQuoted​(String s)
        Whether the string starts and ends with either single or double quotes.
        s - the string
        true if the string starts and ends with either single or double quotes.
      • xmlEncode

        public static String xmlEncode​(String text)
        Encodes the text into safe XML by replacing < > and & with XML tokens
        text - the text
        the encoded text
      • hasUpperCase

        public static boolean hasUpperCase​(String text)
        Determines if the string has at least one letter in upper case
        text - the text
        true if at least one letter is upper case, false otherwise
      • isClassName

        public static boolean isClassName​(String text)
        Determines if the string is a fully qualified class name
      • hasStartToken

        public static boolean hasStartToken​(String expression,
                                            String language)
        Does the expression have the language start token?
        expression - the expression
        language - the name of the language, such as simple
        true if the expression contains the start token, false otherwise
      • replaceAll

        public static String replaceAll​(String input,
                                        String from,
                                        String to)
        Replaces all the from tokens in the given input string.

        This implementation is not recursive, not does it check for tokens in the replacement string.

        input - the input string
        from - the from string, must not be null or empty
        to - the replacement string, must not be empty
        the replaced string, or the input string if no replacement was needed
        IllegalArgumentException - if the input arguments is invalid
      • replaceFirst

        public static String replaceFirst​(String input,
                                          String from,
                                          String to)
        Replaces the first from token in the given input string.

        This implementation is not recursive, not does it check for tokens in the replacement string.

        input - the input string
        from - the from string, must not be null or empty
        to - the replacement string, must not be empty
        the replaced string, or the input string if no replacement was needed
        IllegalArgumentException - if the input arguments is invalid
      • toJson

        public static String toJson​(String name,
                                    String value,
                                    boolean isMap)
        Creates a json tuple with the given name/value pair.
        name - the name
        value - the value
        isMap - whether the tuple should be map
        the json
      • notEmpty

        public static String notEmpty​(String value,
                                      String name)
        Asserts whether the string is not empty.
        value - the string to test
        name - the key that resolved the value
        the passed value as is
        IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if assertion fails
      • notEmpty

        public static String notEmpty​(String value,
                                      String name,
                                      Object on)
        Asserts whether the string is not empty.
        value - the string to test
        on - additional description to indicate where this problem occurred (appended as toString())
        name - the key that resolved the value
        the passed value as is
        IllegalArgumentException - is thrown if assertion fails
      • removeStartingCharacters

        public static String removeStartingCharacters​(String text,
                                                      char ch)
        Removes any starting characters on the given text which match the given character
        text - the string
        ch - the initial characters to remove
        either the original string or the new substring
      • capitalize

        public static String capitalize​(String text)
        Capitalize the string (upper case first character)
        text - the string
        the string capitalized (upper case first character)
      • capitalize

        public static String capitalize​(String text,
                                        boolean dashToCamelCase)
        Capitalize the string (upper case first character)
        text - the string
        dashToCamelCase - whether to also convert dash format into camel case (hello-great-world -> helloGreatWorld)
        the string capitalized (upper case first character)
      • dashToCamelCase

        public static String dashToCamelCase​(String text)
        Converts the string from dash format into camel case (hello-great-world -> helloGreatWorld)
        text - the string
        the string camel cased
      • after

        public static String after​(String text,
                                   String after)
        Returns the string after the given token
        text - the text
        after - the token
        the text after the token, or null if text does not contain the token
      • after

        public static String after​(String text,
                                   String after,
                                   String defaultValue)
        Returns the string after the given token, or the default value
        text - the text
        after - the token
        defaultValue - the value to return if text does not contain the token
        the text after the token, or the supplied defaultValue if text does not contain the token
      • after

        public static <T> Optional<T> after​(String text,
                                            String after,
                                            Function<String,​T> mapper)
        Returns an object after the given token
        text - the text
        after - the token
        mapper - a mapping function to convert the string after the token to type T
        an Optional describing the result of applying a mapping function to the text after the token.
      • afterLast

        public static String afterLast​(String text,
                                       String after)
        Returns the string after the the last occurrence of the given token
        text - the text
        after - the token
        the text after the token, or null if text does not contain the token
      • afterLast

        public static String afterLast​(String text,
                                       String after,
                                       String defaultValue)
        Returns the string after the the last occurrence of the given token, or the default value
        text - the text
        after - the token
        defaultValue - the value to return if text does not contain the token
        the text after the token, or the supplied defaultValue if text does not contain the token
      • before

        public static String before​(String text,
                                    String before)
        Returns the string before the given token
        text - the text
        before - the token
        the text before the token, or null if text does not contain the token
      • before

        public static String before​(String text,
                                    String before,
                                    String defaultValue)
        Returns the string before the given token, or the default value
        text - the text
        before - the token
        defaultValue - the value to return if text does not contain the token
        the text before the token, or the supplied defaultValue if text does not contain the token
      • before

        public static <T> Optional<T> before​(String text,
                                             String before,
                                             Function<String,​T> mapper)
        Returns an object before the given token
        text - the text
        before - the token
        mapper - a mapping function to convert the string before the token to type T
        an Optional describing the result of applying a mapping function to the text before the token.
      • beforeLast

        public static String beforeLast​(String text,
                                        String before)
        Returns the string before the last occurrence of the given token
        text - the text
        before - the token
        the text before the token, or null if text does not contain the token
      • beforeLast

        public static String beforeLast​(String text,
                                        String before,
                                        String defaultValue)
        Returns the string before the last occurrence of the given token, or the default value
        text - the text
        before - the token
        defaultValue - the value to return if text does not contain the token
        the text before the token, or the supplied defaultValue if text does not contain the token
      • between

        public static String between​(String text,
                                     String after,
                                     String before)
        Returns the string between the given tokens
        text - the text
        after - the before token
        before - the after token
        the text between the tokens, or null if text does not contain the tokens
      • between

        public static <T> Optional<T> between​(String text,
                                              String after,
                                              String before,
                                              Function<String,​T> mapper)
        Returns an object between the given token
        text - the text
        after - the before token
        before - the after token
        mapper - a mapping function to convert the string between the token to type T
        an Optional describing the result of applying a mapping function to the text between the token.
      • betweenOuterPair

        public static String betweenOuterPair​(String text,
                                              char before,
                                              char after)
        Returns the string between the most outer pair of tokens

        The number of token pairs must be evenly, eg there must be same number of before and after tokens, otherwise null is returned

        This implementation skips matching when the text is either single or double quoted. For example: ${body.matches("foo('bar')") Will not match the parenthesis from the quoted text.

        text - the text
        after - the before token
        before - the after token
        the text between the outer most tokens, or null if text does not contain the tokens
      • betweenOuterPair

        public static <T> Optional<T> betweenOuterPair​(String text,
                                                       char before,
                                                       char after,
                                                       Function<String,​T> mapper)
        Returns an object between the most outer pair of tokens
        text - the text
        after - the before token
        before - the after token
        mapper - a mapping function to convert the string between the most outer pair of tokens to type T
        an Optional describing the result of applying a mapping function to the text between the most outer pair of tokens.
      • isJavaIdentifier

        public static boolean isJavaIdentifier​(String name)
        Returns true if the given name is a valid java identifier
      • normalizeClassName

        public static String normalizeClassName​(String name)
        Cleans the string to a pure Java identifier so we can use it for loading class names.

        Especially from Spring DSL people can have \n \t or other characters that otherwise would result in ClassNotFoundException

        name - the class name
        normalized classname that can be load by a class loader.
      • changedLines

        public static List<IntegerchangedLines​(String oldText,
                                                 String newText)
        Compares old and new text content and report back which lines are changed
        oldText - the old text
        newText - the new text
        a list of line numbers that are changed in the new text
      • trimToNull

        public static String trimToNull​(String given)
        Removes the leading and trailing whitespace and if the resulting string is empty returns null. Examples:


         trimToNull("abc") -> "abc"
         trimToNull(" abc") -> "abc"
         trimToNull(" abc ") -> "abc"
         trimToNull(" ") -> null
         trimToNull("") -> null
      • containsIgnoreCase

        public static boolean containsIgnoreCase​(String src,
                                                 String what)
        Checks if the src string contains what
        src - is the source string to be checked
        what - is the string which will be looked up in the src argument
      • humanReadableBytes

        public static String humanReadableBytes​(Locale locale,
                                                long bytes)
        Outputs the bytes in human readable format in units of KB,MB,GB etc.
        locale - The locale to apply during formatting. If l is null then no localization is applied.
        bytes - number of bytes
        human readable output
        See Also:
        String.format(Locale, String, Object...)
      • matches

        public static boolean matches​(String pattern,
                                      String target)
        Check for string pattern matching with a number of strategies in the following order: - equals - null pattern always matches - * always matches - Ant style matching - Regexp
        pattern - the pattern
        target - the string to test
        true if target matches the pattern
      • camelCaseToDash

        public static String camelCaseToDash​(String text)
        Converts the string from camel case into dash format (helloGreatWorld -> hello-great-world)
        text - the string
        the string camel cased
      • startsWithIgnoreCase

        public static boolean startsWithIgnoreCase​(String text,
                                                   String prefix)
        Does the string starts with the given prefix (ignore case).
        text - the string
        prefix - the prefix
      • asEnumConstantValue

        public static String asEnumConstantValue​(String value)
        Converts the value to an enum constant value that is in the form of upper cased with underscore.
      • splitWords

        public static String[] splitWords​(String text)
        Split the text on words, eg hello/world => becomes array with hello in index 0, and world in index 1.
      • splitAsStream

        public static Stream<StringsplitAsStream​(CharSequence text,
                                                   String regex)
        Creates a stream from the given input sequence around matches of the regex
        text - the input
        regex - the expression used to split the input
        the stream of strings computed by splitting the input with the given regex
      • countOccurrence

        public static int countOccurrence​(String text,
                                          String search)
        Returns the occurrence of a search string in to a string.
        text - the text
        search - the string to search
        an integer reporting the number of occurrence of the searched string in to the text
      • replaceFromSecondOccurrence

        public static String replaceFromSecondOccurrence​(String text,
                                                         String search,
                                                         String replacement)
        Replaces a string in to a text starting from his second occurrence.
        text - the text
        search - the string to search
        replacement - the replacement for the string
        the string with the replacement