Class StopWatch

  • public final class StopWatch
    extends Object
    A very simple stop watch.

    This implementation is not thread safe and can only time one task at any given time.

    • Constructor Detail

      • StopWatch

        public StopWatch()
        Starts the stop watch
      • StopWatch

        public StopWatch​(Date startTimestamp)
        Starts the stop watch from the given timestamp
      • StopWatch

        public StopWatch​(long timeMillis)
        Starts the stop watch from the given timestamp
      • StopWatch

        public StopWatch​(boolean start)
        Creates the stop watch
        start - whether it should start immediately
    • Method Detail

      • restart

        public void restart()
        Starts or restarts the stop watch
      • taken

        public long taken()
        Returns the time taken in millis.
        time in millis, or 0 if not started yet.