Class UnitUtils

    • Method Detail

      • printUnitFromBytes

        public static String printUnitFromBytes​(long bytes)
        If having a size in bytes and wanting to print this in human friendly\ format with xx kB, xx MB, xx GB instead of a large byte number.
        bytes - the value in bytes
      • printUnitFromBytesDot

        public static String printUnitFromBytesDot​(long bytes)
        If having a size in bytes and wanting to print this in human friendly\ format with xx kB, xx MB, xx GB instead of a large byte number, using dot as decimal separator.
        bytes - the value in bytes
      • printUnitFromBytes

        public static String printUnitFromBytes​(long bytes,
                                                char decimal)
        If having a size in bytes and wanting to print this in human friendly\ format with xx kB, xx MB, xx GB instead of a large byte number.
        bytes - the value in bytes
        decimal - the decimal separator char to use