Class FileUtil


public final class FileUtil extends Object
File utilities.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getUserDir

      public static File getUserDir()
    • normalizePath

      public static String normalizePath(String path)
      Normalizes the path to cater for Windows and other platforms
    • isWindows

      public static boolean isWindows()
      Returns true, if the OS is windows
    • createTempFile

      public static File createTempFile(String prefix, String suffix, File parentDir) throws IOException
    • stripLeadingSeparator

      public static String stripLeadingSeparator(String name)
      Strip any leading separators
    • hasLeadingSeparator

      public static boolean hasLeadingSeparator(String name)
      Does the name start with a leading separator
    • stripFirstLeadingSeparator

      Strip first leading separator
    • stripTrailingSeparator

      public static String stripTrailingSeparator(String name)
      Strip any trailing separators
    • stripPath

      public static String stripPath(String name)
      Strips any leading paths
    • stripExt

      public static String stripExt(String name)
    • stripExt

      public static String stripExt(String name, boolean singleMode)
    • onlyExt

      public static String onlyExt(String name)
    • onlyExt

      public static String onlyExt(String name, boolean singleMode)
    • onlyPath

      public static String onlyPath(String name)
      Returns only the leading path (returns null if no path)
    • onlyName

      public static String onlyName(String name)
    • onlyName

      public static String onlyName(String name, boolean singleMode)
    • compactPath

      public static String compactPath(String path)
      Compacts a path by stacking it and reducing .., and uses OS specific file separators (eg File.separator).
    • compactPath

      public static String compactPath(String path, char separator)
      Compacts a path by stacking it and reducing .., and uses the given separator.
    • compactPath

      public static String compactPath(String path, String separator)
      Compacts a file path by stacking it and reducing .., and uses the given separator.
    • removeDir

      public static void removeDir(File d)
    • renameFile

      public static boolean renameFile(File from, File to, boolean copyAndDeleteOnRenameFail) throws IOException
      Renames a file.
      from - the from file
      to - the to file
      copyAndDeleteOnRenameFail - whether to fallback and do copy and delete, if renameTo fails
      true if the file was renamed, otherwise false
      IOException - is thrown if error renaming file
    • renameFileUsingCopy

      public static boolean renameFileUsingCopy(File from, File to) throws IOException
      Rename file using copy and delete strategy. This is primarily used in environments where the regular rename operation is unreliable.
      from - the file to be renamed
      to - the new target file
      true if the file was renamed successfully, otherwise false
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs during copy or delete operations.
    • copyFile

      public static void copyFile(File from, File to) throws IOException
      Copies the file
      from - the source file
      to - the destination file
      IOException - If an I/O error occurs during copy operation
    • deleteFile

      public static boolean deleteFile(File file)
      Deletes the file.

      This implementation will attempt to delete the file up till three times with one second delay, which can mitigate problems on deleting files on some platforms such as Windows.

      file - the file to delete
    • isAbsolute

      public static boolean isAbsolute(File file)
      Is the given file an absolute file.

      Will also work around issue on Windows to consider files on Windows starting with a \ as absolute files. This makes the logic consistent across all OS platforms.

      file - the file
      true if its an absolute path, false otherwise.
    • createNewFile

      public static boolean createNewFile(File file) throws IOException
      Creates a new file.
      file - the file
      true if created a new file, false otherwise
      IOException - is thrown if error creating the new file