All Classes and Interfaces

Operation that aggregates several operations to be performed inside single task passed to thread executor
Factory to create container ids which are used in the ZooKeeper cluster group as unique ids among all the nodes that runs in the cluster.
Callback interface used to get notifications of changes to a cluster group.
SPI Strategy for custom ManagedGroupFactory implementations.
The zookeeper-master camel component ensures that only a single endpoint in a cluster is active at any point in time with all other JVMs being hot standbys which wait until the master JVM dies before taking over to provide high availability of a single consumer.
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A consumer which is only really active while it holds the master lock
Have only a single consumer in a cluster consuming from a given endpoint; with automatic failover if the JVM dies.
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Generated by camel build tools - do NOT edit this file!
RoutePolicy to run the route in master/slave mode.
A utility that attempts to keep all data from all children of a ZK path locally cached.