All Classes and Interfaces

AnyOfOperations is a composite operation of one or more sub operation, executing each in turn until any one succeeds.
ChildrenChangedOperation is an watch driven operation.
ConnectionHolder watches for Connection based events from ZooKeeper and can be used to block until a connection has been established.
CreateOperation is a basic Zookeeper operation used to create and set the data contained in a given node
DataChangedOperation is an watch driven operation.
setdataOperation sets the content of a ZooKeeper node.
DataChangedOperation is an watch driven operation.
ExistsOperation is a basic ZooKeeper operation used to test the existence of a given node.
FutureEventDrivenOperation uses ZooKeepers Watcher mechanism to await specific ZooKeeper events.
GetChildrenOperation is a basic ZooKeeper operation used to retrieve the list of children belonging to a given ZooKeeper node.
GetDataOperation is a basic operation to immediately retrieve the data associated with a given ZooKeeper node.
NaturalSortComparator is a fast comparator for sorting a collection of Strings in a human readable fashion.
OperationResult is used to ecapsulate the results of executing a ZooKeeperOperation
Nodes created with any of Sequential CreateModes will have a 10 character sequence attached to their node names.
SetDataOperation sets the content of a ZooKeeper node.
Component that creates ZooKeeperEndpoints for interacting with a ZooKeeper cluster.
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ZookeeperConfiguration encapsulates the configuration used to interact with a ZooKeeper cluster.
ZookeeperConnectionManager is a simple class to manage ZooKeeper connections.
ZooKeeperConsumer uses various ZooKeeperOperation to interact and consume data from a ZooKeeper cluster.
Manage ZooKeeper clusters.
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ZooKeeperMessage is a Message representing interactions with a ZooKeeper service.
ZooKeeperOperation is the base class for wrapping various ZooKeeper API instructions and callbacks into callable and composable operation objects.
ZooKeeperProducer attempts to set the content of nodes in the ZooKeeper cluster with the payloads of the of the exchanges it receives.
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ZooKeeperUtils contains static utility functions mostly for retrieving optional message properties from Message headers.