Package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode
package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200.bytecode
Internal package.
ClassesClassDescriptionAnnotationDefault class file attributeAbstract superclass for Annotations attributesClass to represent the annotation structure for class file attributesAbstract superclass for class file attributesAbstract superclass for attributes that have some part encoded with a BCI renumberingA bytecode class file entry.The Class constant poolClassFile is used to represent and write out Java class files.The abstract superclass for all types of class file entries.Abstract superclass for constant pool entriesAn
representing a constant.Constant pool entry for a classAbstract superclass for constant pool constant entries such as numbers or StringsAbstract superclass for constant pool entries that are numbers.Double constant pool entry.Field constant pool entry.Field reference constant pool entry.Float constant pool entry.Integer constant pool entry.Interface method reference constant pool entry.Long constant pool entry.Superclass for member constant pool entries, such as fields or methods.Method constant pool entry.Method reference constant pool entry.Name and Type pair constant pool entry.Abstract superclass for reference constant pool entries, such as a method or field reference.String constant pool entry.UTF8 constant pool entry, used for storing long Strings.Deprecated class file attribute.Enclosing method class file attribute.Exceptions class file attributeAn entry in an exception table.Inner classes class file attributeLine number tableLocal variable tableLocal variable type table.A compressor-defined class file attribute.This class keeps track of operands used.Annotations class file attribute, either a RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute or a RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute.Parameter annotations class file attribute, either a RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute or a RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute.ParameterAnnotation represents the annotations on a single parameter.Signature class file attributeSource file class file attribute