Package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200
package org.apache.commons.compress.harmony.unpack200
Internal package.
ClassDescriptionArchive is the main entry point to unpack200.Attribute definition bands are the set of bands used to define extra attributes transmitted in the archive.AttributeLayout defines a layout that describes how an attribute will be transmitted.Stores a mapping from attribute names to their corresponding layout types.Abstract superclass for a set of bandsBytecode bandsClass BandsConstant Pool bandsParses the file band headers (not including the actual bits themselves).Inner Class BandsAn IcTuple is the set of information that describes an inner class.Interface for a class that can perform matching on flag values.A group of metadata bands, such as class_RVA_bands, method_AD_bands etc.Set of bands relating to a non-predefined attributeThis class provides the binding between the standard Pack200 interface and the internal interface for (un)packing.A Pack200 archive consists of one or more segments.SegmentConstantPool manages the constant pool used for re-creating class files.The SegmentConstantPool spends a lot of time searching through large arrays of Strings looking for matches.SegmentHeader is the header band of a
Stores the combinations of bit flags that can be used in the segment header options.Utility class for unpack200