



package dsom

DSOM - DFDL Schema Object Model


DSOM is the abstract syntax "tree" of a DFDL schema. It is not actually a tree, it is a graph, as there are back-pointers, and shared objects.

A schema is made up of SchemaComponent objects. A SchemaSet is a collection of Schema. A schema is a collection of SchemaDocument that have a common namespace. The SchemaSet is the ultimate root of all the objects in a compilation unit. The Term class is the base for everything that can have a representation in the data stream. .

Many SchemaComponent carry DFDL annotations; hence, AnnotatedSchemaComponent is a key base trait.

UML Class Diagram

See the Daffodil Wiki for class diagrams.


Parsing - in this description we are talking about the Daffodil Schema Compiler. So when we refer to "parsing" the XML, we are referring to the recursive descent walk of the DFDL schema, with that schema represented as Scala's scala.xml.Node objects. Strictly speaking, the string text in files of the DFDL schema's XML is already parsed into Scala's scala.xml.Node objects, but it is the walk through that structure constructing the DSOM tree/graph that we refer to as "parsing" the DFDL schema.

Principles of Operation

Constructing the DSOM Graph

The DSOM object graph must be constructed by looking at only the XML without examining any DFDL annotations. The DSOM structure is required in order to implement DFDL's scoping rules for finding annotations including both properties (like dfdl:byteOrder) and statements (like dfdl:assert); hence, one must have the DSOM graph before one can begin accessing DFDL annotations or you end up in cycles/stack-overflows.

This requires a careful consideration of class/trait members and methods that are used when constructing the DSOM graph, and those used after the DSOM graph has been created, in order to compile it into the runtime data structures.

There are a few exceptions to the above. The dfdl:hiddenGroupRef attribute is one such. It must be local to the Sequence object, and has implications for the parsing of the XML as it implies there should be no children of that xs:sequence. Since it is not scoped, the DSOM graph is not needed in order to access it. Only the local Sequence object and it's DFDLSequence annotation object. The AnnotatedSchemaComponent trait provides methods for this local-only property lookup.

The DSOM object graph is also needed in order to issue good diagnostic messages from the compiler; hence, Daffodil validates the DFDL schema before parsing it into the DSOM graph. Careful consideration must be given if a SchemaDefinitionError (SDE) is issued while constructing the DSOM graph.

If you run into stack-overflows while the DSOM graph is being constructed, the above is a common cause of them, as the SDE diagnostic messaging uses DSOM graph information to construct context information about the error for inclusion in the messages. If the DSOM graph is still being constructed at that time, then this can be circular.

Using the DSOM Graph

DSOM supports Daffodil schema compilation by way of the OOLAG pattern which is an object oriented way of using the attribute grammars compiler technique.

Many attributes (in the attribute grammar sense, nothing to do with XML attributes) are simply Scala lazy val definitions, but some are declared as OOLAG attributes (using org.apache.daffodil.oolag.OOLAG.OOLAGHost.LV) which provides for gathering of multiple diagnostic messages (SchemaDefinitionError) before abandoning compilation.

DFDL schema compilation largely occurs by evaluating lazy val members of DSOM objects. These include the members of the grammar traits (@see org.apache.daffodil.grammar package), which are mixed in to the appropriate DSOM traits/classes.


Q: Why invent this? Why not use XSOM, or the Apache XML Schema library?

A:We had trouble with other XML-schema libraries for lack of adequate support for annotations, non-native attributes, and schema documents as first class objects. So DSOM is specific to Daffodil Basically these libraries are more about implementing XML Schema and validation, and not so much about a complex language built on the annotations of the schema. DSOM is really mostly about the annotations.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. dsom
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractElementRef extends ElementBase with ElementReferenceGrammarMixin with HasRefMixin with NamedMixin with NestingLexicalMixin

  2. trait AnnotatedMixin extends EscapeSchemeRefMixin


    Every component that can be annotated.

    Every component that can be annotated. Review Note: It's no longer clear that this separation is strictly speaking needed. It's possible that this could be collapsed back into AnnotatedSchemaComponent or made smaller anyway.

  3. trait AnnotatedSchemaComponent extends SchemaComponent with AnnotatedMixin with OverlapCheckMixin


    Shared characteristics of any annotated schema component.

    Shared characteristics of any annotated schema component.

    Not all components can carry DFDL annotations.

  4. abstract class AnnotatedSchemaComponentFactory extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent with NestingLexicalMixin

  5. abstract class AnnotatedSchemaComponentImpl extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent


    Convenience class for implemening AnnotatedSchemaComponent trait

  6. final class ChainPropProvider extends Logging with PropTypes


    flat chain of format annotations connected by dfdl:ref (short form) or ref (long form) references to named defined formats.

    flat chain of format annotations connected by dfdl:ref (short form) or ref (long form) references to named defined formats.

    Could be the nonDefault formats being chained together, or could be the default formats being chained together.

  7. case class Cho(s: Seq[ChoOrd]) extends ChoOrd with Product with Serializable

  8. sealed trait ChoOrd extends AnyRef


    ChoOrd = Choice or Ordered

    ChoOrd = Choice or Ordered

    This is a tree representing elements as they appear in ordered sequences or as alternatives to each other.

    This does not directly correspond to the xs:choice and xs:sequence constructs of a DFDL Schema, though that can be the origin.

    The purpose of these ChoOrd trees is to establish some robust invariants about the way these are nested.

    These invariants include: * Elements are at the leaves. * There is no unnecessary nesting. So an Ord only contains leaves or Cho, and a Cho only contains leaves or Ord. * There are no degenerate Cho or Ord with only 1 thing in them. Those get created but squeezed out.

  9. final class Choice extends ChoiceTermBase with ChoiceDefMixin

  10. trait ChoiceDefMixin extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent with GroupDefLike


    Captures concepts common to all choice definitions, which includes both local and global choice definitions, but not choice group references.

    Captures concepts common to all choice definitions, which includes both local and global choice definitions, but not choice group references.

    Choices are a bit complicated.

    They can have initiators and terminators. This is most easily thought of as wrapping each choice inside a sequence having only the choice inside it, and moving the initiator and terminator specification to that sequence.

    That sequence is then the term replacing the choice wherever the choice is.

    Choices can have children which are scalar elements. In this case, that scalar element behaves as if it were a child of the enclosing sequence (which could be the one we just injected above the choice.

    Choices can have children which are recurring elements. In this case, the behavior is as if the recurring child was placed inside a sequence which has no initiator nor terminator, but repeats the separator specification from the sequence context that encloses the choice.

    All that, and the complexities of separator suppression too.

    There's also issues like this:

    <choice> <element .../> <sequence/> </choice>

    in the above, one alternative is an empty sequence. So this choice may produce an element which takes up a child position, and potentially requires separation, or it may produce nothing at all.

  11. final class ChoiceGroupRef extends ChoiceTermBase with GroupRef

  12. abstract class ChoiceTermBase extends ModelGroup with Choice_AnnotationMixin with RawDelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with ChoiceGrammarMixin

  13. trait CommonContextMixin extends NestingMixin

  14. abstract class ComplexTypeBase extends SchemaComponentImpl with TypeBase with NonPrimTypeMixin with ComplexTypeBaseGrammarMixin

  15. abstract class DFDLAnnotation extends SchemaComponent with NestingLexicalMixin with FindPropertyMixin


    Base class for any DFDL annotation

    Base class for any DFDL annotation

    Note about SchemaComponent as a base class: Many things are now derived from SchemaComponent that were not before. Just turns out that there is a lot of desirable code sharing between things that aren't strictly-speaking SchemaComponents and things that previously were not. Accomplishing that sharing with mixins and self-typing etc. was just too troublesome. So now many things are schema components. E.g., all annotation objects, the Include and Import objects which represent those statements in a schema, the proxy DFDLSchemaFile object, etc.

  16. final class DFDLAssert extends DFDLAssertionBase

  17. abstract class DFDLAssertionBase extends DFDLStatement

  18. final class DFDLChoice extends DFDLModelGroup

  19. final class DFDLDefineEscapeScheme extends DFDLDefiningAnnotation

  20. final class DFDLDefineEscapeSchemeFactory extends DFDLDefiningAnnotation

  21. final class DFDLDefineFormat extends DFDLDefiningAnnotation

  22. class DFDLDefineVariable extends DFDLDefiningAnnotation

  23. abstract class DFDLDefiningAnnotation extends DFDLAnnotation with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingLexicalMixin


    Unlike say GlobalElementDecl, Defining annotations don't have a factory, because they don't have any characteristics that depend on context, i.e., that have to access the referring context to compute.

  24. final class DFDLDiscriminator extends DFDLAssertionBase

  25. final class DFDLElement extends DFDLNonDefaultFormatAnnotation

  26. final class DFDLEscapeScheme extends DFDLFormatAnnotation with EscapeScheme_AnnotationMixin with RawEscapeSchemeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  27. final class DFDLFormat extends DFDLFormatAnnotation

  28. abstract class DFDLFormatAnnotation extends DFDLAnnotation with LeafPropProvider


    Base class for annotations that carry format properties

  29. final class DFDLGroup extends DFDLNonDefaultFormatAnnotation

  30. abstract class DFDLModelGroup extends DFDLNonDefaultFormatAnnotation

  31. final class DFDLNewVariableInstance extends VariableReference

  32. abstract class DFDLNonDefaultFormatAnnotation extends DFDLFormatAnnotation

  33. final class DFDLProperty extends DFDLAnnotation with LocalNonElementComponentMixin

  34. final class DFDLSchemaFile extends SchemaComponentImpl with ErrorHandler


    represents one schema document file

    represents one schema document file

    manages loading of it, and keeping track of validation errors

  35. final class DFDLSequence extends DFDLModelGroup

  36. final class DFDLSetVariable extends VariableReference

  37. final class DFDLSimpleType extends DFDLNonDefaultFormatAnnotation

  38. abstract class DFDLStatement extends DFDLAnnotation with NestingLexicalMixin


    Base class for assertions, variable assignments, etc

  39. trait DelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends TermRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with RawDelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  40. trait ElementBase extends Term with ElementLikeMixin with LocalElementMixin with Element_AnnotationMixin with NillableMixin with ElementBaseGrammarMixin with ElementRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with StringTextMixin with NumberTextMixin with CalendarTextMixin with BooleanTextMixin with TextNumberFormatMixin with OverlapCheckMixin


    Shared by all forms of elements, local or global or element reference.

  41. trait ElementDeclMixin extends ElementLikeMixin


    Shared by all element declarations local or global

  42. trait ElementFormDefaultMixin extends AnyRef


    elementFormDefault is an attribute of the xs:schema element.

    elementFormDefault is an attribute of the xs:schema element. It defaults to 'qualified'. That means nested local element definitions, their names are in the target namespace. So, if you have

    1. <foo xmlns="myURI>">42

      That is, you must explicitly go to the no-namespace syntax. It doesn't happen implicitly. This trait is mixed into things that are affected by elementFormDefault. Namely the local element declaration class.

    2. ,
    3. <tns:foo><bar>42</bar></tns:foo>

      In this case you really don't want to setup xmlns='myURI' because this happens:

    4. ,
    5. <foo xmlns="myURI"><bar>42</bar></foo>

      But if elementFormDefault='unqualified', the instance doc would be like:

    6. ,
    7. <tns:foo><tns:bar>42</tns:bar></tns:foo>

      or the possibly nicer (for a large result)

    8. ,
    9. <schema elementFormDefault='qualified'
              targetNamespace="myURI" xmlns:tns="myURI"...>
      <element name='foo'...>
               <element name='bar'.../>

      Now a DFDL/Xpath expression to reach that 'bar' element looks like /tns:foo/tns:bar Contrarywise, if elementFormDefault='unqualfied'...

      Now a path to reach element bar would look like /tns:foo/bar.
      See how 'bar' isn't preceded by the tns prefix. That's becasue the child elements are
      all 'no namespace' elements.
      This also affects what a result document is like from namespaces perspective.
      Suppose the above 'bar' element is an xs:int. Then with elemenFormDefault='qualified', an
      instance would look like:

  43. trait ElementLikeMixin extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent with ProvidesDFDLStatementMixin

  44. final class ElementRef extends AbstractElementRef


    There are 3 first-class concrete children of ElementBase.

    There are 3 first-class concrete children of ElementBase. Root, LocalElementDecl, and ElementRef

  45. trait ElementRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends DelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with OccursAGMixin with LengthAGMixin with SimpleTypeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with RawElementRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  46. trait EscapeSchemeRefMixin extends AnyRef

  47. class ExpressionCompiler[T <: AnyRef] extends ExpressionCompilerBase[T]

  48. trait Facets extends AnyRef

  49. final class GlobalChoiceGroupDef extends GlobalGroupDef with ChoiceDefMixin

  50. final class GlobalComplexTypeDef extends ComplexTypeBase with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingTraversesToReferenceMixin


    For unit testing purposes, the element argument might be supplied as null.

  51. final class GlobalComplexTypeDefFactory extends SchemaComponentFactory with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin

  52. sealed trait GlobalComponent extends NamedMixin with PrefixAndNamespaceMixin


    All global components share these characteristics.

    All global components share these characteristics. The difference between this and the not-Global flavor has to do with the elementFormDefault attribute of the xs:schema element. Global things are always qualified

  53. trait GlobalElementComponentMixin extends GlobalComponent

  54. final class GlobalElementDecl extends AnnotatedSchemaComponentImpl with GlobalElementComponentMixin with ElementDeclMixin with NestingTraversesToReferenceMixin

  55. class GlobalElementDeclFactory extends SchemaComponentFactory with GlobalElementComponentMixin


    Factory to create an instance of a global element declaration either to be the root of the data, or when referenced from an element reference, in which case a backpointer from the global element decl instance will point back to the element reference.

    Factory to create an instance of a global element declaration either to be the root of the data, or when referenced from an element reference, in which case a backpointer from the global element decl instance will point back to the element reference.

    This backpointer is needed in order to determine some attributes that refer outward to what something is contained within. E.g., nearestEnclosingSequence is an attribute that might be the sequence containing the element reference that is referencing this global element declaration.

  56. sealed abstract class GlobalGroupDef extends AnnotatedSchemaComponentImpl with GroupDefLike with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingTraversesToReferenceMixin


    Global Group Defs carry annotations that are combined wiht those of the corresponding group reference that refers to them.

    Global Group Defs carry annotations that are combined wiht those of the corresponding group reference that refers to them.

    These are not carried on the xs:group element itself, but the xs:sequence or xs:choice XML child. When we refer to the annotations on a global group definition, we are referring to the annotations on the xs:sequence or xs:choice.

  57. final class GlobalGroupDefFactory extends SchemaComponentFactory with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin

  58. trait GlobalNonElementComponentMixin extends GlobalComponent

  59. final class GlobalSequenceGroupDef extends GlobalGroupDef with SequenceDefMixin

  60. final class GlobalSimpleTypeDef extends SimpleTypeDefBase with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingTraversesToReferenceMixin


    The instance type for global simple type definitions.

  61. final class GlobalSimpleTypeDefFactory extends SchemaComponentFactory with GlobalNonElementComponentMixin


    The factory is sharable even though the global object it creates cannot be shared.

    The factory is sharable even though the global object it creates cannot be shared.

    Call forElement(element) and supply the element referring to the global type, then you get back an instance that is one-to-one with the element.

    This then allows attributes of the type to refer to the element in deciding things. I.e., the context is clear and kept separate for each place a global type is used.

  62. trait GroupDefLike extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent with ProvidesDFDLStatementMixin


    Common concepts for components that define groups.

    Common concepts for components that define groups.

    This includes both global group definitions, and local sequence and choice groups.

  63. trait GroupRef extends AnyRef

  64. final class GroupRefFactory extends SchemaComponentFactory with HasRefMixin


    A GroupRefFactory (group reference) is an indirection to factories to create a SequenceGroupRef, or ChoiceGroupRef.

    A GroupRefFactory (group reference) is an indirection to factories to create a SequenceGroupRef, or ChoiceGroupRef.

    The refXMLArg is the xml for the group reference.

    This factory exists in order to make error messages refer to the right part of the schema.

  65. abstract class IIBase extends SchemaComponent with NestingLexicalMixin


    Include/Import = "II" for short

  66. final class Import extends IIBase


    An import statement.

    An import statement.

    The enclosingGoalNamespace argument is Some(noNamespace) for a topLevel schema file that has no targetNamespace attribute.

    Now consider that we could be an import which is inside an included schema which includes another included, etc. A nest of included schemas the innermost of which then contains an import. We have to verify that the ultimate goal namespace at the start of that chain of includes is different from this imported schema's goalNamespace.

  67. final class Include extends IIBase


    enclosingGoalNS is None if this include is being included (by one include hop, or several) into a schema having 'no namespace'

    enclosingGoalNS is None if this include is being included (by one include hop, or several) into a schema having 'no namespace'

    enclosingGoalNS is Some(str) if this include is being included (by one include hop, or several) into a schema having a targetNamespace.

  68. trait InitiatedTerminatedMixin extends GrammarMixin with AnnotatedMixin with DelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  69. case class Leaf(e: ElementBase) extends ChoOrd with Product with Serializable

  70. trait LeafPropProvider extends LookupLocation with PropTypes with Logging


    A single annotation which combines short form, long form, and element form property bindings together.

    A single annotation which combines short form, long form, and element form property bindings together.

    From this perspective, there are no ref chains connecting format annotations together.

  71. final class LocalComplexTypeDef extends ComplexTypeBase with LocalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingLexicalMixin

  72. sealed trait LocalComponentMixinBase extends NamedMixin

  73. trait LocalElementComponentMixin extends LocalComponentMixinBase with ElementFormDefaultMixin

  74. final class LocalElementDecl extends ElementBase with LocalElementComponentMixin with ElementDeclMixin with NestingLexicalMixin

  75. trait LocalElementMixin extends ParticleMixin with LocalElementGrammarMixin


    Common to local element decls and element references

  76. trait LocalNonElementComponentMixin extends LocalComponentMixinBase with PrefixAndNamespaceMixin

  77. final class LocalSimpleTypeDef extends SimpleTypeDefBase with LocalNonElementComponentMixin with NestingLexicalMixin

  78. abstract class ModelGroup extends Term with ModelGroupGrammarMixin with OverlapCheckMixin with NestingLexicalMixin


    Base class for all model groups, which are term containers.

    Base class for all model groups, which are term containers.

    There are ultimately 4 concrete classes that implement this: Sequence, Choice, SequenceGroupRef, and ChoiceGroupRef

  79. trait NamedMixin extends GetAttributesMixin with NamedMixinBase


    Common Mixin for things that have a name attribute.

  80. trait NestingLexicalMixin extends NestingMixin


    Mixin for all schema factories and schema components with no backpointers, just a lexical parent.

    Mixin for all schema factories and schema components with no backpointers, just a lexical parent. This means all the non-global schema components.

  81. trait NestingMixin extends AnyRef

  82. trait NestingTraversesToReferenceMixin extends NestingMixin


    Mixin for all global schema components

  83. trait NonPrimTypeMixin extends AnyRef

  84. case class Ord(s: Seq[ChoOrd]) extends ChoOrd with Product with Serializable

  85. trait OverlapCheckMixin extends AnyRef

  86. trait ParticleMixin extends RequiredOptionalMixin

  87. sealed trait PrefixAndNamespaceMixin extends AnyRef

  88. class PrimitiveType extends SimpleTypeBase


    PrimType nodes are part of the runtime.

    PrimType nodes are part of the runtime. For compilation, we need a notion of primitive type that derives from the same base a SimpleTypeBase and ComplexTypeBase, and it needs to have methods that take and return compiler-only object types; hence we can't define a base in the runtime because it can't have those methods; hence, can't achieve the polymorphism over all sorts of types.

    So for the compiler, a PrimitiveType is just a wrapper around a PrimType object.

  89. trait PropertyReferencedElementInfosMixin extends AnyRef

  90. trait ProvidesDFDLStatementMixin extends ThrowsSDE


    The other kind of DFDL annotations are DFDL 'statements'.

    The other kind of DFDL annotations are DFDL 'statements'. This trait is everything shared by schema components that can carry statements.

    Factory for creating the corresponding DFDLAnnotation objects.

  91. trait RawCommonRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends PropertyMixin

  92. trait RawDelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends RawCommonRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  93. trait RawElementRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends RawDelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with RawSimpleTypeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  94. trait RawEscapeSchemeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends PropertyMixin

  95. trait RawSequenceRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends RawDelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  96. trait RawSimpleTypeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends RawCommonRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  97. trait RequiredOptionalMixin extends AnyRef

  98. trait ResolvesDFDLStatementMixin extends ThrowsSDE with ProvidesDFDLStatementMixin

  99. trait ResolvesProperties extends FindPropertyMixin


    Only objects from which we generate processors (parsers/unparsers) can lookup property values.

    Only objects from which we generate processors (parsers/unparsers) can lookup property values.

    This avoids the possibility of a property being resolved incorrectly by not looking at the complete chain of schema components contributing to the property resolution.

    The only objects that should resolve properties are ElementRef, Root, LocalElementDecl, Sequence, Choice, SequenceRef, ChoiceRef

    These are all the "real" terms. Everything else is just contributing properties to the mix, but they are not points where properties are used to generate processors.

  100. final class Restriction extends SchemaComponentImpl with NestingLexicalMixin with Facets with TypeChecks


    A schema component for simple type restrictions

  101. final class Root extends AbstractElementRef with RootGrammarMixin


    Root is a special kind of ElementRef that has no enclosing group.

    Root is a special kind of ElementRef that has no enclosing group.

    This is the entity that is compiled by the schema compiler.

  102. final class Schema extends SchemaComponentImpl


    A schema is all the schema documents sharing a single target namespace.

    A schema is all the schema documents sharing a single target namespace.

    That is, one can write several schema documents which all have the same target namespace, and in that case all those schema documents make up the 'schema'.

  103. trait SchemaComponent extends OOLAGHost with ImplementsThrowsOrSavesSDE with GetAttributesMixin with SchemaComponentIncludesAndImportsMixin with ResolvesQNames with SchemaFileLocatableImpl with PropTypes


    The core root class of the DFDL Schema object model.

    The core root class of the DFDL Schema object model.

    Every schema component has a schema document, and a schema, and a namespace.

  104. abstract class SchemaComponentFactory extends SchemaComponent with NestingLexicalMixin


    Anything that can be computed without reference to the point of use or point of reference can be computed here on these factory objects.

  105. abstract class SchemaComponentImpl extends SchemaComponent

  106. trait SchemaComponentIncludesAndImportsMixin extends CommonContextMixin


    Mixin for all SchemaComponents

  107. trait SchemaDocIncludesAndImportsMixin extends AnyRef


    Mixin for SchemaDocument

  108. final class SchemaDocument extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent with SchemaDocumentMixin with ResolvesProperties with Format_AnnotationMixin with SeparatorSuppressionPolicyMixin


    Handles only things specific to DFDL about schema documents.

    Handles only things specific to DFDL about schema documents.

    I.e., default format properties, named format properties, etc.

  109. trait SchemaDocumentMixin extends AnyRef


    Common to both types we use for dealing with schema documents.

  110. trait SchemaFileLocatableImpl extends SchemaFileLocatable

  111. final class SchemaSet extends SchemaComponentImpl with SchemaSetIncludesAndImportsMixin


    A schema set is exactly that, a set of schemas.

    A schema set is exactly that, a set of schemas. Each schema has a target namespace (or 'no namespace'), so a schema set is conceptually a mapping from a namespace URI (or empty string, meaning no namespace) onto schema.

    Constructing these from XML Nodes is a unit-test interface. The real constructor takes a sequence of file names, and you can optionally specify a root element via the rootSpec argument.

    A schema set is a SchemaComponent (derived from that base), so as to inherit the error/warning accumulation behavior that all SchemaComponents share. A schema set invokes our XML Loader, which can produce validation errors, and those have to be gathered so we can give the user back a group of them, not just one.

    Schema set is however, a kind of a fake SchemaComponent in that it doesn't correspond to any user-specified schema object. And unlike other schema components obviously it does not live within a schema document.

  112. trait SchemaSetIncludesAndImportsMixin extends AnyRef


    Mixin for SchemaSet

  113. class Sequence extends SequenceTermBase with SequenceDefMixin


    Represents a local sequence definition.

  114. trait SequenceDefMixin extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent with GroupDefLike


    Captures concepts associated with definitions of Sequence groups.

    Captures concepts associated with definitions of Sequence groups.

    Used by GlobalSequenceGroupDef and local Sequence, but not by SequenceGroupRef. Used on objects that can carry DFDLSequence annotation objects.

  115. final class SequenceGroupRef extends SequenceTermBase with GroupRef

  116. trait SequenceRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends DelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with Sequence_AnnotationMixin with RawSequenceRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  117. abstract class SequenceTermBase extends ModelGroup with Sequence_AnnotationMixin with SequenceRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with SequenceGrammarMixin with SeparatorSuppressionPolicyMixin

  118. sealed trait SimpleTypeBase extends TypeBase

  119. abstract class SimpleTypeDefBase extends AnnotatedSchemaComponentImpl with SimpleTypeBase with NonPrimTypeMixin with ProvidesDFDLStatementMixin with OverlapCheckMixin

  120. trait SimpleTypeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends DFDLSimpleTypeMixin with RawSimpleTypeRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  121. trait Term extends AnnotatedSchemaComponent with ResolvesProperties with ResolvesDFDLStatementMixin with TermRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with TermGrammarMixin with DelimitedRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin with InitiatedTerminatedMixin with TermEncodingMixin


    Term, and what is and isn't a Term, is a key concept in DSOM.

    Term, and what is and isn't a Term, is a key concept in DSOM.

    From elements, ElementRef and LocalElementDecl are Term. A GlobalElementDecl is *not* a Term. From sequences, Sequence and SequenceGroupRef are Term. GlobalSequenceGroupDef is *not* a Term. From choices, Choice and ChoiceGroupRef are Term. GlobalChoiceGroupDef is *not* a Term.

    Terms are the things we actually generate parsers/unparsers for. Non-Terms just contribute information used by Terms.

  122. trait TermEncodingMixin extends KnownEncodingMixin


    Captures concepts around dfdl:encoding property and Terms.

    Captures concepts around dfdl:encoding property and Terms.

    Just factored out into a trait for isolation of related code.

  123. trait TermRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin extends DFDLBaseTypeMixin with PropertyReferencedElementInfosMixin with RawCommonRuntimeValuedPropertiesMixin

  124. trait TypeBase extends AnyRef

  125. sealed trait TypeChecks extends AnyRef

  126. final class Union extends SchemaComponentImpl with NestingLexicalMixin


    A schema component for simple type unions

  127. final class UnorderedSequence extends Sequence

  128. class ValidateSchemasErrorHandler extends ErrorHandler

  129. abstract class VariableReference extends DFDLStatement

  130. final class XMLSchemaDocument extends SchemaComponentImpl with SchemaDocumentMixin with SchemaDocIncludesAndImportsMixin


    Handles everything about schema documents that has nothing to do with DFDL.

    Handles everything about schema documents that has nothing to do with DFDL. Things like namespace, include, import, elementFormDefault etc.

Value Members

  1. object ChoOrd

  2. object ElementBase


    Note about DSOM design versus say XSOM or Apache XSD library.

    Note about DSOM design versus say XSOM or Apache XSD library.

    Some XSD object models have a single Element class, and distinguish local/global and element references based on attributes of the instances.

    Our approach is to provide common behaviors on base classes or traits/mixins, and to have distinct classes for each instance type.

  3. object ExpressionCompilers extends ExpressionCompilerClass

  4. object IIUtils


    Maps an optional namespace and optional schemaLocation to an Include or Import object.

    Maps an optional namespace and optional schemaLocation to an Include or Import object.

    As we include/import schemas, we append to one of these, and before we include/import we check to see if it is already here.

    About use of Delay[T]:

    This is fairly deep function programming stuff, but it let's us have our cake and eat it too for one thing. In processing of import statements like this <xs:include schemaLocation="..."/>, the chicken/egg problem arises about namespaces. We have to read the file just in order to know the namespace in order to be able to decide if we have seen this (NS, URL) pair before, and therefore don't need to load the file....

    So we maintain this growing map of (NS, URL) => file called an IIMap.

    We use delay on this, because it lets us construct the DFDLSchemaFile, construct the XMLSchemaDocument object, both of which require that we pass in the IIMap. Then we can ask the XMLSchemaDocument for the targetNamespace of the file, which will cause the file to be read. But none of this needs the IIMap argument yet.

    We then look at this new (tns, url) pair, and see if it is already in the map. If not, we extend the IIMap,... and by the magic of Delayed evaluation, that map is the one being passed to the DFDLSchemaFile and XMLSchemaDocument above.

    Seems cyclical, but it isn't. We can call the constructors, passing them a promise (aka Delayed IIMap) to deliver the IIMap when it is needed. Turns out it isn't needed for the constructed object to answer the question "what is the targetNamespace". But that target namespace information IS needed to determine the IIMap which will be supplied when demanded.

    From an ObjectOriented programing perspective, we don't pass an IIMap, we pass an IIMap factory (a delayed IIMap is effectively that). That factory isn't being called yet, and by the way it has pointers back to data structures that will be filled in later, so it can't be called yet. You wouldn't write an OO program this way usually.

    Note that we must use a map that maintains insertion order, of which ListMap is one of them.

  5. object ModelGroupFactory


    A factory for model groups.

    A factory for model groups.

    Takes care of detecting group references, and constructing the proper SequenceGroupRef or ChoiceGroupRef object.

  6. object PrimitiveType

  7. object TermFactory


    Factory for Terms

  8. object UnparserInfo


    Information needed specifically for unparsing.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
