Interface FluoClient

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface FluoClient
    extends AutoCloseable
    Client interface for Fluo. Fluo clients will have shared resources used by all objects created by the client. Therefore, close() must called when you are finished using the client.
    • Method Detail

      • newSnapshot

        Snapshot newSnapshot()
        Creates a Snapshot for reading data from Fluo. Use within a try-with-resources statement or call Snapshot.close() when you are finished using it.
      • newTransaction

        Transaction newTransaction()
        Creates a Transaction for reading and writing data to Fluo. Unlike the transactions provided by the Loader and Observer, users will need to call Transaction.commit(). Use within a try-with-resources statement or call Transaction.close() when you are finished.

        Executing many transactions using this method may be less optimal than using a LoaderExecutor. When a transaction created via this method is committed and closed, the caller must wait for data to be persisted. Using a LoaderExecutor, multiple transactions commit processing may be batched w/o the need to wait for each transaction until the LoaderExecutor is closed.

      • close

        void close()
        Closes client resources
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable