001    /* Generated By:JavaCC: Do not edit this line. RccTokenManager.java */
002    /**
003     * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
004     * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
005     * distributed with this work for additional information
006     * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
007     * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
008     * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
009     * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
010     *
011     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
012     *
013     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
014     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
015     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
016     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
017     * limitations under the License.
018     */
020    package org.apache.hadoop.record.compiler.generated;
021    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceAudience;
022    import org.apache.hadoop.classification.InterfaceStability;
023    import org.apache.hadoop.record.compiler.*;
024    import java.util.ArrayList;
025    import java.util.Hashtable;
026    import java.util.Iterator;
027    import java.io.File;
028    import java.io.FileReader;
029    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
030    import java.io.IOException;
032    /**
033     * @deprecated Replaced by <a href="http://hadoop.apache.org/avro/">Avro</a>.
034     */
035    @Deprecated
036    @InterfaceAudience.Public
037    @InterfaceStability.Stable
038    public class RccTokenManager implements RccConstants
039    {
040      public  java.io.PrintStream debugStream = System.out;
041      public  void setDebugStream(java.io.PrintStream ds) { debugStream = ds; }
042      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_1()
043      {
044        return jjMoveNfa_1(0, 0);
045      }
046      private final void jjCheckNAdd(int state)
047      {
048        if (jjrounds[state] != jjround)
049          {
050            jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = state;
051            jjrounds[state] = jjround;
052          }
053      }
054      private final void jjAddStates(int start, int end)
055      {
056        do {
057          jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = jjnextStates[start];
058        } while (start++ != end);
059      }
060      private final void jjCheckNAddTwoStates(int state1, int state2)
061      {
062        jjCheckNAdd(state1);
063        jjCheckNAdd(state2);
064      }
065      private final void jjCheckNAddStates(int start, int end)
066      {
067        do {
068          jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start]);
069        } while (start++ != end);
070      }
071      private final void jjCheckNAddStates(int start)
072      {
073        jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start]);
074        jjCheckNAdd(jjnextStates[start + 1]);
075      }
076      private final int jjMoveNfa_1(int startState, int curPos)
077      {
078        int[] nextStates;
079        int startsAt = 0;
080        jjnewStateCnt = 3;
081        int i = 1;
082        jjstateSet[0] = startState;
083        int j, kind = 0x7fffffff;
084        for (;;)
085          {
086            if (++jjround == 0x7fffffff)
087              ReInitRounds();
088            if (curChar < 64)
089              {
090                long l = 1L << curChar;
091                MatchLoop: do
092                  {
093                    switch(jjstateSet[--i])
094                      {
095                      case 0:
096                        if ((0x2400L & l) != 0L)
097                          {
098                            if (kind > 6)
099                              kind = 6;
100                          }
101                        if (curChar == 13)
102                          jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 1;
103                        break;
104                      case 1:
105                        if (curChar == 10 && kind > 6)
106                          kind = 6;
107                        break;
108                      case 2:
109                        if (curChar == 13)
110                          jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 1;
111                        break;
112                      default : break;
113                      }
114                  } while(i != startsAt);
115              }
116            else if (curChar < 128)
117              {
118                long l = 1L << (curChar & 077);
119                MatchLoop: do
120                  {
121                    switch(jjstateSet[--i])
122                      {
123                      default : break;
124                      }
125                  } while(i != startsAt);
126              }
127            else
128              {
129                int i2 = (curChar & 0xff) >> 6;
130                long l2 = 1L << (curChar & 077);
131                MatchLoop: do
132                  {
133                    switch(jjstateSet[--i])
134                      {
135                      default : break;
136                      }
137                  } while(i != startsAt);
138              }
139            if (kind != 0x7fffffff)
140              {
141                jjmatchedKind = kind;
142                jjmatchedPos = curPos;
143                kind = 0x7fffffff;
144              }
145            ++curPos;
146            if ((i = jjnewStateCnt) == (startsAt = 3 - (jjnewStateCnt = startsAt)))
147              return curPos;
148            try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
149            catch(java.io.IOException e) { return curPos; }
150          }
151      }
152      private final int jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(int pos, long active0)
153      {
154        switch (pos)
155          {
156          case 0:
157            if ((active0 & 0xfff800L) != 0L)
158              {
159                jjmatchedKind = 32;
160                return 4;
161              }
162            return -1;
163          case 1:
164            if ((active0 & 0xfff800L) != 0L)
165              {
166                jjmatchedKind = 32;
167                jjmatchedPos = 1;
168                return 4;
169              }
170            return -1;
171          case 2:
172            if ((active0 & 0x7ef800L) != 0L)
173              {
174                jjmatchedKind = 32;
175                jjmatchedPos = 2;
176                return 4;
177              }
178            if ((active0 & 0x810000L) != 0L)
179              return 4;
180            return -1;
181          case 3:
182            if ((active0 & 0x24000L) != 0L)
183              return 4;
184            if ((active0 & 0x7cb800L) != 0L)
185              {
186                jjmatchedKind = 32;
187                jjmatchedPos = 3;
188                return 4;
189              }
190            return -1;
191          case 4:
192            if ((active0 & 0x41000L) != 0L)
193              return 4;
194            if ((active0 & 0x78a800L) != 0L)
195              {
196                jjmatchedKind = 32;
197                jjmatchedPos = 4;
198                return 4;
199              }
200            return -1;
201          case 5:
202            if ((active0 & 0x680800L) != 0L)
203              return 4;
204            if ((active0 & 0x10a000L) != 0L)
205              {
206                jjmatchedKind = 32;
207                jjmatchedPos = 5;
208                return 4;
209              }
210            return -1;
211          default :
212            return -1;
213          }
214      }
215      private final int jjStartNfa_0(int pos, long active0)
216      {
217        return jjMoveNfa_0(jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(pos, active0), pos + 1);
218      }
219      private final int jjStopAtPos(int pos, int kind)
220      {
221        jjmatchedKind = kind;
222        jjmatchedPos = pos;
223        return pos + 1;
224      }
225      private final int jjStartNfaWithStates_0(int pos, int kind, int state)
226      {
227        jjmatchedKind = kind;
228        jjmatchedPos = pos;
229        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
230        catch(java.io.IOException e) { return pos + 1; }
231        return jjMoveNfa_0(state, pos + 1);
232      }
233      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0()
234      {
235        switch(curChar)
236          {
237          case 44:
238            return jjStopAtPos(0, 29);
239          case 46:
240            return jjStopAtPos(0, 30);
241          case 47:
242            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x120L);
243          case 59:
244            return jjStopAtPos(0, 28);
245          case 60:
246            return jjStopAtPos(0, 26);
247          case 62:
248            return jjStopAtPos(0, 27);
249          case 98:
250            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x20c000L);
251          case 99:
252            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x1000L);
253          case 100:
254            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x80000L);
255          case 102:
256            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x40000L);
257          case 105:
258            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x12000L);
259          case 108:
260            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x20000L);
261          case 109:
262            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x800800L);
263          case 117:
264            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x100000L);
265          case 118:
266            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(0x400000L);
267          case 123:
268            return jjStopAtPos(0, 24);
269          case 125:
270            return jjStopAtPos(0, 25);
271          default :
272            return jjMoveNfa_0(0, 0);
273          }
274      }
275      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_0(long active0)
276      {
277        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
278        catch(java.io.IOException e) {
279          jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(0, active0);
280          return 1;
281        }
282        switch(curChar)
283          {
284          case 42:
285            if ((active0 & 0x100L) != 0L)
286              return jjStopAtPos(1, 8);
287            break;
288          case 47:
289            if ((active0 & 0x20L) != 0L)
290              return jjStopAtPos(1, 5);
291            break;
292          case 97:
293            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x800000L);
294          case 101:
295            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x400000L);
296          case 108:
297            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x41000L);
298          case 110:
299            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x12000L);
300          case 111:
301            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0xa8800L);
302          case 115:
303            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x100000L);
304          case 117:
305            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x200000L);
306          case 121:
307            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(active0, 0x4000L);
308          default :
309            break;
310          }
311        return jjStartNfa_0(0, active0);
312      }
313      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa2_0(long old0, long active0)
314      {
315        if (((active0 &= old0)) == 0L)
316          return jjStartNfa_0(0, old0); 
317        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
318        catch(java.io.IOException e) {
319          jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(1, active0);
320          return 2;
321        }
322        switch(curChar)
323          {
324          case 97:
325            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x1000L);
326          case 99:
327            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x402000L);
328          case 100:
329            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x800L);
330          case 102:
331            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x200000L);
332          case 110:
333            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x20000L);
334          case 111:
335            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x48000L);
336          case 112:
337            if ((active0 & 0x800000L) != 0L)
338              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(2, 23, 4);
339            break;
340          case 116:
341            if ((active0 & 0x10000L) != 0L)
342              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(2, 16, 4);
343            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x104000L);
344          case 117:
345            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(active0, 0x80000L);
346          default :
347            break;
348          }
349        return jjStartNfa_0(1, active0);
350      }
351      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa3_0(long old0, long active0)
352      {
353        if (((active0 &= old0)) == 0L)
354          return jjStartNfa_0(1, old0); 
355        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
356        catch(java.io.IOException e) {
357          jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(2, active0);
358          return 3;
359        }
360        switch(curChar)
361          {
362          case 97:
363            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x40000L);
364          case 98:
365            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x80000L);
366          case 101:
367            if ((active0 & 0x4000L) != 0L)
368              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(3, 14, 4);
369            break;
370          case 102:
371            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x200000L);
372          case 103:
373            if ((active0 & 0x20000L) != 0L)
374              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(3, 17, 4);
375            break;
376          case 108:
377            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0xa000L);
378          case 114:
379            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x100000L);
380          case 115:
381            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x1000L);
382          case 116:
383            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x400000L);
384          case 117:
385            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(active0, 0x800L);
386          default :
387            break;
388          }
389        return jjStartNfa_0(2, active0);
390      }
391      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa4_0(long old0, long active0)
392      {
393        if (((active0 &= old0)) == 0L)
394          return jjStartNfa_0(2, old0); 
395        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
396        catch(java.io.IOException e) {
397          jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(3, active0);
398          return 4;
399        }
400        switch(curChar)
401          {
402          case 101:
403            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x208000L);
404          case 105:
405            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x100000L);
406          case 108:
407            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x80800L);
408          case 111:
409            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x400000L);
410          case 115:
411            if ((active0 & 0x1000L) != 0L)
412              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 12, 4);
413            break;
414          case 116:
415            if ((active0 & 0x40000L) != 0L)
416              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(4, 18, 4);
417            break;
418          case 117:
419            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(active0, 0x2000L);
420          default :
421            break;
422          }
423        return jjStartNfa_0(3, active0);
424      }
425      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa5_0(long old0, long active0)
426      {
427        if (((active0 &= old0)) == 0L)
428          return jjStartNfa_0(3, old0); 
429        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
430        catch(java.io.IOException e) {
431          jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(4, active0);
432          return 5;
433        }
434        switch(curChar)
435          {
436          case 97:
437            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x8000L);
438          case 100:
439            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x2000L);
440          case 101:
441            if ((active0 & 0x800L) != 0L)
442              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 11, 4);
443            else if ((active0 & 0x80000L) != 0L)
444              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 19, 4);
445            break;
446          case 110:
447            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(active0, 0x100000L);
448          case 114:
449            if ((active0 & 0x200000L) != 0L)
450              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 21, 4);
451            else if ((active0 & 0x400000L) != 0L)
452              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(5, 22, 4);
453            break;
454          default :
455            break;
456          }
457        return jjStartNfa_0(4, active0);
458      }
459      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa6_0(long old0, long active0)
460      {
461        if (((active0 &= old0)) == 0L)
462          return jjStartNfa_0(4, old0); 
463        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
464        catch(java.io.IOException e) {
465          jjStopStringLiteralDfa_0(5, active0);
466          return 6;
467        }
468        switch(curChar)
469          {
470          case 101:
471            if ((active0 & 0x2000L) != 0L)
472              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 13, 4);
473            break;
474          case 103:
475            if ((active0 & 0x100000L) != 0L)
476              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 20, 4);
477            break;
478          case 110:
479            if ((active0 & 0x8000L) != 0L)
480              return jjStartNfaWithStates_0(6, 15, 4);
481            break;
482          default :
483            break;
484          }
485        return jjStartNfa_0(5, active0);
486      }
487      static final long[] jjbitVec0 = {
488        0x0L, 0x0L, 0xffffffffffffffffL, 0xffffffffffffffffL
489      };
490      private final int jjMoveNfa_0(int startState, int curPos)
491      {
492        int[] nextStates;
493        int startsAt = 0;
494        jjnewStateCnt = 5;
495        int i = 1;
496        jjstateSet[0] = startState;
497        int j, kind = 0x7fffffff;
498        for (;;)
499          {
500            if (++jjround == 0x7fffffff)
501              ReInitRounds();
502            if (curChar < 64)
503              {
504                long l = 1L << curChar;
505                MatchLoop: do
506                  {
507                    switch(jjstateSet[--i])
508                      {
509                      case 0:
510                        if (curChar == 34)
511                          jjCheckNAdd(1);
512                        break;
513                      case 1:
514                        if ((0xfffffffbffffffffL & l) != 0L)
515                          jjCheckNAddTwoStates(1, 2);
516                        break;
517                      case 2:
518                        if (curChar == 34 && kind > 31)
519                          kind = 31;
520                        break;
521                      case 4:
522                        if ((0x3ff000000000000L & l) == 0L)
523                          break;
524                        if (kind > 32)
525                          kind = 32;
526                        jjstateSet[jjnewStateCnt++] = 4;
527                        break;
528                      default : break;
529                      }
530                  } while(i != startsAt);
531              }
532            else if (curChar < 128)
533              {
534                long l = 1L << (curChar & 077);
535                MatchLoop: do
536                  {
537                    switch(jjstateSet[--i])
538                      {
539                      case 0:
540                        if ((0x7fffffe07fffffeL & l) == 0L)
541                          break;
542                        if (kind > 32)
543                          kind = 32;
544                        jjCheckNAdd(4);
545                        break;
546                      case 1:
547                        jjAddStates(0, 1);
548                        break;
549                      case 4:
550                        if ((0x7fffffe87fffffeL & l) == 0L)
551                          break;
552                        if (kind > 32)
553                          kind = 32;
554                        jjCheckNAdd(4);
555                        break;
556                      default : break;
557                      }
558                  } while(i != startsAt);
559              }
560            else
561              {
562                int i2 = (curChar & 0xff) >> 6;
563                long l2 = 1L << (curChar & 077);
564                MatchLoop: do
565                  {
566                    switch(jjstateSet[--i])
567                      {
568                      case 1:
569                        if ((jjbitVec0[i2] & l2) != 0L)
570                          jjAddStates(0, 1);
571                        break;
572                      default : break;
573                      }
574                  } while(i != startsAt);
575              }
576            if (kind != 0x7fffffff)
577              {
578                jjmatchedKind = kind;
579                jjmatchedPos = curPos;
580                kind = 0x7fffffff;
581              }
582            ++curPos;
583            if ((i = jjnewStateCnt) == (startsAt = 5 - (jjnewStateCnt = startsAt)))
584              return curPos;
585            try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
586            catch(java.io.IOException e) { return curPos; }
587          }
588      }
589      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_2()
590      {
591        switch(curChar)
592          {
593          case 42:
594            return jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_2(0x200L);
595          default :
596            return 1;
597          }
598      }
599      private final int jjMoveStringLiteralDfa1_2(long active0)
600      {
601        try { curChar = input_stream.readChar(); }
602        catch(java.io.IOException e) {
603          return 1;
604        }
605        switch(curChar)
606          {
607          case 47:
608            if ((active0 & 0x200L) != 0L)
609              return jjStopAtPos(1, 9);
610            break;
611          default :
612            return 2;
613          }
614        return 2;
615      }
616      static final int[] jjnextStates = {
617        1, 2, 
618      };
619      public static final String[] jjstrLiteralImages = {
620        "", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 
621        "\155\157\144\165\154\145", "\143\154\141\163\163", "\151\156\143\154\165\144\145", "\142\171\164\145", 
622        "\142\157\157\154\145\141\156", "\151\156\164", "\154\157\156\147", "\146\154\157\141\164", 
623        "\144\157\165\142\154\145", "\165\163\164\162\151\156\147", "\142\165\146\146\145\162", 
624        "\166\145\143\164\157\162", "\155\141\160", "\173", "\175", "\74", "\76", "\73", "\54", "\56", null, null, };
625      public static final String[] lexStateNames = {
626        "DEFAULT", 
627        "WithinOneLineComment", 
628        "WithinMultiLineComment", 
629      };
630      public static final int[] jjnewLexState = {
631        -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, 0, -1, 2, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 
632        -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 
633      };
634      static final long[] jjtoToken = {
635        0x1fffff801L, 
636      };
637      static final long[] jjtoSkip = {
638        0x37eL, 
639      };
640      static final long[] jjtoSpecial = {
641        0x360L, 
642      };
643      static final long[] jjtoMore = {
644        0x480L, 
645      };
646      protected SimpleCharStream input_stream;
647      private final int[] jjrounds = new int[5];
648      private final int[] jjstateSet = new int[10];
649      StringBuffer image;
650      int jjimageLen;
651      int lengthOfMatch;
652      protected char curChar;
653      public RccTokenManager(SimpleCharStream stream){
654        if (SimpleCharStream.staticFlag)
655          throw new Error("ERROR: Cannot use a static CharStream class with a non-static lexical analyzer.");
656        input_stream = stream;
657      }
658      public RccTokenManager(SimpleCharStream stream, int lexState){
659        this(stream);
660        SwitchTo(lexState);
661      }
662      public void ReInit(SimpleCharStream stream)
663      {
664        jjmatchedPos = jjnewStateCnt = 0;
665        curLexState = defaultLexState;
666        input_stream = stream;
667        ReInitRounds();
668      }
669      private final void ReInitRounds()
670      {
671        int i;
672        jjround = 0x80000001;
673        for (i = 5; i-- > 0;)
674          jjrounds[i] = 0x80000000;
675      }
676      public void ReInit(SimpleCharStream stream, int lexState)
677      {
678        ReInit(stream);
679        SwitchTo(lexState);
680      }
681      public void SwitchTo(int lexState)
682      {
683        if (lexState >= 3 || lexState < 0)
684          throw new TokenMgrError("Error: Ignoring invalid lexical state : " + lexState + ". State unchanged.", TokenMgrError.INVALID_LEXICAL_STATE);
685        else
686          curLexState = lexState;
687      }
689      protected Token jjFillToken()
690      {
691        Token t = Token.newToken(jjmatchedKind);
692        t.kind = jjmatchedKind;
693        String im = jjstrLiteralImages[jjmatchedKind];
694        t.image = (im == null) ? input_stream.GetImage() : im;
695        t.beginLine = input_stream.getBeginLine();
696        t.beginColumn = input_stream.getBeginColumn();
697        t.endLine = input_stream.getEndLine();
698        t.endColumn = input_stream.getEndColumn();
699        return t;
700      }
702      int curLexState = 0;
703      int defaultLexState = 0;
704      int jjnewStateCnt;
705      int jjround;
706      int jjmatchedPos;
707      int jjmatchedKind;
709      public Token getNextToken() 
710      {
711        int kind;
712        Token specialToken = null;
713        Token matchedToken;
714        int curPos = 0;
716        EOFLoop :
717          for (;;)
718            {   
719              try   
720                {     
721                  curChar = input_stream.BeginToken();
722                }     
723              catch(java.io.IOException e)
724                {        
725                  jjmatchedKind = 0;
726                  matchedToken = jjFillToken();
727                  matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken;
728                  return matchedToken;
729                }
730              image = null;
731              jjimageLen = 0;
733              for (;;)
734                {
735                  switch(curLexState)
736                    {
737                    case 0:
738                      try { input_stream.backup(0);
739                      while (curChar <= 32 && (0x100002600L & (1L << curChar)) != 0L)
740                        curChar = input_stream.BeginToken();
741                      }
742                      catch (java.io.IOException e1) { continue EOFLoop; }
743                      jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff;
744                      jjmatchedPos = 0;
745                      curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_0();
746                      break;
747                    case 1:
748                      jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff;
749                      jjmatchedPos = 0;
750                      curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_1();
751                      if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 7)
752                        {
753                          jjmatchedKind = 7;
754                        }
755                      break;
756                    case 2:
757                      jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff;
758                      jjmatchedPos = 0;
759                      curPos = jjMoveStringLiteralDfa0_2();
760                      if (jjmatchedPos == 0 && jjmatchedKind > 10)
761                        {
762                          jjmatchedKind = 10;
763                        }
764                      break;
765                    }
766                  if (jjmatchedKind != 0x7fffffff)
767                    {
768                      if (jjmatchedPos + 1 < curPos)
769                        input_stream.backup(curPos - jjmatchedPos - 1);
770                      if ((jjtoToken[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L)
771                        {
772                          matchedToken = jjFillToken();
773                          matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken;
774                          if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1)
775                            curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind];
776                          return matchedToken;
777                        }
778                      else if ((jjtoSkip[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L)
779                        {
780                          if ((jjtoSpecial[jjmatchedKind >> 6] & (1L << (jjmatchedKind & 077))) != 0L)
781                            {
782                              matchedToken = jjFillToken();
783                              if (specialToken == null)
784                                specialToken = matchedToken;
785                              else
786                                {
787                                  matchedToken.specialToken = specialToken;
788                                  specialToken = (specialToken.next = matchedToken);
789                                }
790                              SkipLexicalActions(matchedToken);
791                            }
792                          else 
793                            SkipLexicalActions(null);
794                          if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1)
795                            curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind];
796                          continue EOFLoop;
797                        }
798                      jjimageLen += jjmatchedPos + 1;
799                      if (jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind] != -1)
800                        curLexState = jjnewLexState[jjmatchedKind];
801                      curPos = 0;
802                      jjmatchedKind = 0x7fffffff;
803                      try {
804                        curChar = input_stream.readChar();
805                        continue;
806                      }
807                      catch (java.io.IOException e1) { }
808                    }
809                  int error_line = input_stream.getEndLine();
810                  int error_column = input_stream.getEndColumn();
811                  String error_after = null;
812                  boolean EOFSeen = false;
813                  try { input_stream.readChar(); input_stream.backup(1); }
814                  catch (java.io.IOException e1) {
815                    EOFSeen = true;
816                    error_after = curPos <= 1 ? "" : input_stream.GetImage();
817                    if (curChar == '\n' || curChar == '\r') {
818                      error_line++;
819                      error_column = 0;
820                    }
821                    else
822                      error_column++;
823                  }
824                  if (!EOFSeen) {
825                    input_stream.backup(1);
826                    error_after = curPos <= 1 ? "" : input_stream.GetImage();
827                  }
828                  throw new TokenMgrError(EOFSeen, curLexState, error_line, error_column, error_after, curChar, TokenMgrError.LEXICAL_ERROR);
829                }
830            }
831      }
833      void SkipLexicalActions(Token matchedToken)
834      {
835        switch(jjmatchedKind)
836          {
837          default :
838            break;
839          }
840      }
841    }