Class VersionManagerImplConfig

  • Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class VersionManagerImplConfig
    extends VersionManagerImplMerge
    The JCR Version Manager implementation is split in several classes in order to group related methods together.

    this class provides methods for the configuration and baselines related operations.

    Implementation note: methods starting with "internal" are considered to be executed within a "write operations" block.

    • Constructor Detail

      • VersionManagerImplConfig

        protected VersionManagerImplConfig​(SessionContext context,
                                           UpdatableItemStateManager stateMgr,
                                           HierarchyManager hierMgr)
        Creates a new version manager for the given session
        context - component context of the current session
        stateMgr - the underlying state manager
        hierMgr - local hierarchy manager
    • Method Detail

      • restore

        protected NodeId restore​(NodeStateEx parent,
                                 org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name name,
                                 InternalBaseline baseline)
                          throws RepositoryException
        Restores the versions recorded in the given baseline below the specified path.
        parent - the parent state
        name - the name of the new node (tree)
        baseline - the baseline that recorded the versions
        the node id of the configuration
        RepositoryException - if an error occurs
      • createConfiguration

        protected NodeId createConfiguration​(NodeStateEx state)
                                      throws RepositoryException
        Creates a new configuration node.

        The nt:confguration is stored within the nt:configurations storage using the nodeid of the configuration root (rootId) as path.

        state - the node of the workspace configuration
        the node id of the created configuration
        RepositoryException - if an error occurs