Interface DavLocatorFactory

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface DavLocatorFactory
    • Method Detail

      • createResourceLocator

        DavResourceLocator createResourceLocator​(String prefix,
                                                 String href)
        Create a new DavResourceLocator.
        prefix - String consisting of [scheme:][//authority][path] where path defines the (imaginary) path to the root location.
        href - of the resource to be created. The given string may start with the 'prefix'. Please note, that in contrast to createResourceLocator(String, String, String) the href is expected to be URL encoded.
        a new resource locator.
      • createResourceLocator

        DavResourceLocator createResourceLocator​(String prefix,
                                                 String workspacePath,
                                                 String resourcePath)
        Create a new DavResourceLocator. This methods corresponds to createResourceLocator(String, String, String, boolean) with the flag set to true.
        prefix - String consisting of [scheme:][//authority][path] where path defines the path to the root location.
        workspacePath - the first segment of the URIs path indicating the workspace. The implementation may allow a empty String if workspaces are not supported.
        resourcePath - the URL decoded resource path.
        a new resource locator.
      • createResourceLocator

        DavResourceLocator createResourceLocator​(String prefix,
                                                 String workspacePath,
                                                 String path,
                                                 boolean isResourcePath)
        prefix - String consisting of [scheme:][//authority][path] where path defines the path to the root location.
        workspacePath - the first segment of the URIs path indicating the workspace. The implementation may allow a empty String if workspaces are not supported.
        path - the URL decoded path.
        isResourcePath - If true this method returns the same as createResourceLocator(String, String, String), otherwise the given path is treated as internal repository path. The implementation may choose to implement a conversion of the repository path to a valid resource path, e.g. (un)escaping of certain characters, due to incompatibility with the URI definition (or vice versa). Note that DavResourceLocator.getRepositoryPath() should in this case implement the reverse operation.
        a new resource locator.
        See Also: