Interface DocumentNodeStoreMBean

  • public interface DocumentNodeStoreMBean
    • Method Detail

      • getRevisionComparatorState

        String getRevisionComparatorState()
      • getClusterId

        int getClusterId()
      • getUnmergedBranchCount

        int getUnmergedBranchCount()
      • getInactiveClusterNodes

        String[] getInactiveClusterNodes()
      • getActiveClusterNodes

        String[] getActiveClusterNodes()
      • getLastKnownRevisions

        String[] getLastKnownRevisions()
      • formatRevision

        String formatRevision​(@Name("revision")
                              String rev,
                              boolean utc)
      • determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis

        @Description("Return the estimated time difference in milliseconds between\nthe local instance and the (typically common, shared) document server system.\nThe value can be zero if the times are estimated to be equal,\npositive when the local instance is ahead of the remote server\nand negative when the local instance is behind the remote server. An invocation is not cached\nand typically requires a round-trip to the server (but that is not a requirement).")
        long determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis()
      • getExternalChangeCountHistory

        CompositeData getExternalChangeCountHistory()
      • getBackgroundUpdateCountHistory

        CompositeData getBackgroundUpdateCountHistory()
      • getMergeBranchCommitHistory

        CompositeData getMergeBranchCommitHistory()
      • recover

        @Description("Triggers last revision recovery of nodes, below a given path and clusterId.\nReturns number of records updated after performing recovery.\nNote: Recovery can only be performed on inactive clusterIds. If the clusterNode is in ReadOnly mode,\nit will return the no. of documents which needs update and won\'t perform recovery")
        int recover​(@Description("The absolute path of a node.") @Name("path")
                    String path,
                    @Description("The id of an inactive cluster node.") @Name("clusterId")
                    int clusterId)
      • cleanAllCaches

        @Description("Invalidates all the caches used by the DocumentNodeStore: DiffCache, NodeCache and NodeChildrenCache.")
        String cleanAllCaches()
      • cleanIndividualCache

        @Description("Invalidates the specified cache: DiffCache, NodeCache or NodeChildrenCache.\nNote: The values are case insensitive.")
        String cleanIndividualCache​(@Description("Possible values are: DIFF, NODE, NODECHILDREN") @Name("name")
                                    String name)