Class RDBJSONSupport

  • public class RDBJSONSupport
    extends Object
    Utilities that provide JSON support on top of the existing JsopTokenizer support in oak-commons.

    The result of parsing uses the simplest possible Java representation of the JSON values (see Section 3 of RFC 7159), thus

    The boolean parameter of the constructor ({link RDBJSONSupport(boolean)) allows changing the default for the maps to use sorted maps using Revisions as keys, as used internally be the DocumentNodeStore.

    • Constructor Detail

      • RDBJSONSupport

        public RDBJSONSupport​(boolean useRevisionMaps)
        useRevisionMaps - whether to use revision maps instead of regular Maps.
    • Method Detail

      • parse

        public @Nullable Object parse​(@NotNull
                                      @NotNull String json)
        Parses the supplied JSON.
      • parse

        public @Nullable Object parse​(@NotNull
                                      @NotNull org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.commons.json.JsopTokenizer json)
        Parses the supplied JSON.