Interface ResultSet

    • Method Detail

      • hasNext

        boolean hasNext()
        Is there another result?
        Specified by:
        hasNext in interface java.util.Iterator<QuerySolution>
      • nextSolution

        QuerySolution nextSolution()
        Moves onto the next result (legacy - use .next()).
      • nextBinding

        Binding nextBinding()
        Move to the next binding (low level)
      • getRowNumber

        int getRowNumber()
        Return the "row" number for the current iterator item
      • getResultVars

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getResultVars()
        Get the variable names for the projection. Not all query solutions from a result have every variable defined.
      • getResourceModel

        Model getResourceModel()
        Get the model that resources are created against - may be null
      • rewindable

        default ResultSetRewindable rewindable()
        Convert this result set to a ResultSetRewindable.

        Warning: this is likely a copy:

        • "this" result set is consumed and not reusable.
        • the copy is in-memory
        Use the returned object, not "this" result set after calling this method.

        Example of use:

           ResultSetRewindable rs = queryExecution.execSelect().rewindable();
      • materialise

        default ResultSet materialise()
        Return a ResultSet that is not connected to the original source. This consumes this ResultSet and produces another one.
      • close

        void close()