Package org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine
Class MatchRDFS<X,T>
- java.lang.Object
- org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine.CxtInf<X,T>
- org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine.MatchRDFS<X,T>
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
public abstract class MatchRDFS<X,T> extends CxtInf<X,T> implements Match<X,T>
Match a 3-tuple, which might have wildcards, applying a fixed set of inference rules. This class is the core machinery of matching data using an RDFS schema. This is inference on the A-Box (the data) with respect to a fixed T-Box (the vocabulary, ontology).This class implements:
- rdfs:subClassOf (transitive)
- rdfs:subPropertyOf (transitive)
- rdfs:domain
- rdfs:range
- See Also:
ApplyRDFS for the matching algorithm.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.jena.rdfs.engine.CxtInf
ANY, mapper, rdfsDomain, rdfsRange, rdfsSubClassOf, rdfsSubPropertyOf, rdfType, setup
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method Description<T>
match(X s, X p, X o)